News Production II

An intermediate exploration into the process of creating a news publication. Students work as reporters producing journalistic content and editors focusing on editing content suitable for publication in the campus news publication. They participate in the editorial and production process and develop the skills required for publishing.

News Production I

Beginning news production course focused on the publication of the college news outlet The Guardsman. Provides a practical understanding of the various elements involved in producing a newspaper and website.

Writing for Spanish Bilingual Media

Write journalistically in English and Spanish with an emphasis on developing and writing news stories. Study information gathering and interviewing techniques, career opportunities in Spanish bilingual media, particularly newspapers, and the early history and evolution of Spanish-language newspapers in the United States. The course is taught in English, but the student should have some command of conversational Spanish, as well as basic Spanish writing skills.

Social Entrepreneurship

Study the foundational concepts for understanding social entrepreneurship, combining the passion of a social mission with business-like discipline, innovation, and determination to address pressing social problems. This course offers a basic framework for social entrepreneurs to develop new business models and ventures that support inclusivity, accessibility, and sustainability.