Athletes at CCSF have access to a full-time Academic Counselor. Our counselor supports intercollegiate athletes in making informed choices by ensuring that they are enrolling in the correct classes and by assisting them in the academic planning process.  Setting up an Academic Plan will allow you to:

If you are a student with a disability that can be verified, you may choose to work with the Disabled Services & Programs for Students (DSPS). All services and records are confidential. Your involvement with DSPS can be thought of as a partnership between you and the Disabled Services & Programs for Students staff. The DSPS staff consists of counselors, disability specialists, faculty members, technology and media specialists, instructional assistants, sign language interpreters and captioners, and office staff.

The Transfer Center Mission is to facilitate City College students' transition to baccalaureate institutions; provide educational planning and assistance for transfer; and coordinate a calendar of university advising and outreach services.

Mind Body Health

Lecture, discussion, and practice to learn about the mind/body connection using such techniques as a Qigong warmup, accessible/chair yoga, and the moving meditation practice of T'ai Chi Chih: 19 Movements and One Pose.

Project Management Fundamentals

Project management (PM) is vital to the success of every organization. Introduction to the principles and methodology with special focus on planning, controlling, and managing projects to successful completion. Topics are divided into two main categories: technical and behavioral. Technical issues include the process and scope of a project, strategy, and managing risks. Behavioral issues include management, leadership, teams, communications, ethics, and professionalism.