Need to clear a hold? See Hold Contact List.

Need to make a payment? Payments can be made on your myRAM Portal.

Payments can be mailed to the following address:

City College of San Francisco, Tuition & Fees, Harry Britt Building 130
50 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112

or to

City College of San Francisco, Bursars Office, Harry Britt Building 360
50 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112


Your payment of fees is due at the time of registration. Non-Payment of fees will result in a HOLD being placed on your account. This could also result in not receiving college services.

Payment Methods

  • In-Person at Tuition & Fees Office, Harry Britt Building (formerly MUB), Room 130 payments received Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm & Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
  • By Mail  
    • Check payable to: City College of San Francisco, Tuition & Fees, 50 Frida Kahlo Way, Harry Britt Building 130, San Francisco, CA 94112
  • Online By Credit Card** (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover)
  • Online By Debit Card
  • Fee Waiver (see your Financial Aid Officer for Information)
  • Nelnet Business Solutions Payment Plan
  • International Payments: go to Enter your payment amount and select your country of origin. Payment methods include bank transfers, credit/debit cards and e-payments (Alipay/PayPal), depending on your country.

* Valid ID must be presented at time of in-person payment.

** American Express can be used with the myRAM portal and in designated offices.

Have a Write Off that you need to pay off?

If a student owes fees for an extended amount of time, the college may insert a write off on the students account.  The fees due are still the responsibility of the student to pay off.  In order to pay a write off amount, please contact Tuition & Fees at or the Bursar Office at

Payment Plans

NELNET Payment Plan Online

To help you meet your educational expenses, City College of San Francisco is pleased to offer NELNET Business Solutions as a convenient budget plan. Nelnet Business Solutions offers a payment plan to students, for a small fee, to help facilitate the payment of your fees.

NELNET is a tuition management plan that provides you with a low-cost option for budgeting tuition and fees. It is not a loan program. You have no debt, there are no interest or finance charges assessed, and there is no credit check. The cost to budget monthly payments through NELNET is $18.00 per semester nonrefundable NELNET Enrollment Fee. The NELNET Enrollment Fee is automatically deducted from your account IMMEDIATELY.
If you need to make adjustments after your payment plan is set up, you must work with the Tuition and Fees Office. It is important to note that your balance will not be adjusted immediately if financial aid is received or a class is dropped or added.

IMPORTANT: If you have a balance due for a previous semester, signing up for the Nelnet payment plan will not allow you register until you pay off the entire balance.

Would you like to set up a payment plan for a past due balance?  There is a payment plan available for past due balances however all past due balances must be paid before you can register for a current or upcoming term.  If you are interested in setting up a payment plan for a past balance, please contact

Costs Associated with the Payment plan

A summary of all the fees associated with the payment plan is listed below.

Description of Fee



Sign-up fee


$18 per semester.

Processing Fee


$2 For full payments received through NBS payment portal.

Return Payment Fee


$30 for each returned payment due to insufficient credit or Debit account.



No interest will be assessed for any balance on the payment plan.

Sign Up for a Payment Plan

To enroll in a payment plan or to access your existing payment plan:

  • Login to myRam Portal using your Student ID and Password #
  • Click on the Student Account > Installment Plan
  • Complete the steps to enroll in your payment plan

To participate in the NBS payment plan you are required to use a credit or debit card for automatic payment. If you only use cash as a form of payment, you will be required to pay in full in person at the Registration Center, Harry Britt Building 130 at the Ocean campus.

IMPORTANT: If you have a balance due for a previous semester, signing up for the Nelnet payment plan will not allow you register until you pay off the entire balance.

For help with your payment plan, call 800-609-8056.

You may budget your tuition and fees in the following ways:

Spring 2025

Last Day to sign-up for a payment Plan Option

Down Payment Required

Number of Payments

Months of  Payments

November 25 20% 5 December - April 
December 11 20% 5 December - April 
December 24 20% 4 January - April
January 9 20% 4 January - April
January 27 20% 3 February - April
February 10 20% 3 February - April

Please note:

  • It is the STUDENT'S responsibility to drop or withdraw from class(es) by the established deadlines published in the online class schedule. You are liable for all fees for classes not dropped by the refund deadline dates.
  • City College of San Francisco participates in the Chancellor's Office Tax Offset Program (COTOP). All past due accounts are submitted to COTOP for collection.


The enrollment fee may be refundable, in full or in part, depending on total registered units at the end of the second calendar week of instruction for full-length courses or 10% of the course length for short term courses. Please check the online class schedule for up to date deadlines dates for the course you are enrolled in.

Refunds are NOT Automatic. To obtain a refund for courses dropped on or before the deadline date for 100% enrollment and tuition refund or 50% refund for non-resident tuition, students must submit a Refund Request Form to the Office of Tuition and Fees before the end of the semester. The Office of Tuition and Fees is located in the Harry Britt Building, room 130. We are open Monday - Friday (please see the top of the page for hours of operation). Refund Request forms can be requested by emailing

Steps To Obtaining A Refund

  1. Email or visit the office to request a refund form (Be sure to include your student ID number in email)
  2. Submit the refund form to Tuition & Fees one of the following ways:
    • Email the completed form to (Sent from your student email account)
    • Visit the office in person to the Tuition & Fees Department at Ocean Campus, Harry Britt Building, room130

Please, double-check all information on the form is correct and complete. Incorrectly filled out forms will be returned to the student via mail.

Refund Processing

Refund Request Forms will not be processed until after the last day to officially withdraw, drop or reduce course-work unit(s) in order to obtain enrollment fee refund.

Payments of Credit Cards will be refunded to the credit card used to pay your fees.

Payments of cash or check will be refunded as a check and will be mailed once a Refund Request is submitted. Refunds of payments made six months or more prior to the refund request will be refunded as a check which will be mailed to you. Please be aware that due to the volumes of refund requests received, it will take approximately four weeks to receive a refund check in the mail.

Refunds Deadline

The California Code of Regulations Section 58508(b) states that a community college district SHALL NOT refund any enrollment fee paid by a student for program changes made after the first two weeks of instruction for a primary-term course, or after 10 percent of the length of the short-term course, unless the program change is a result of action by the district to cancel or reschedule a class or to drop a student pursuant to Section 58106(g) where the student fails to meet a prerequisite. Please refer to the refund dates published in this Schedule of Classes.

Enrollment, Nonresident and International Student Tuition Fee Credit Balances

City College of San Francisco allows all enrollment fees, nonresident and international student tuition balances to be credited to the students' accounts, which may be utilized to pay for tuition and/or enrollment fees in subsequent school terms. The students' accounts will be held for a period of two years. All balances not utilized within the two-year period will be credited to the District.

Non-Resident Tuition Fee Refund Policy

Paid nonresident tuition will be refunded in accordance with the following refund schedule:

  • 100% NONRESIDENT TUITION REFUND for full-term courses officially dropped during the first two calendar weeks of instruction or 10% of the course length for summer and short term courses.
  • 50% NONRESIDENT TUITION REFUND for full-term courses officially dropped during the third and fourth calendar weeks of instruction or 30% of the course length for summer and short term courses
  • 0% NONRESIDENT TUITION REFUND for courses officially dropped after the fourth calendar week of instruction.