Admissions and Records Forms
Form Description

AB540 (Non-Resident Tuition Exemption Form)

Request exemption from nonresident tuition charged to nonresident students.  If you attended high school in California for three or more years and graduated from a California high school or attained the equivalent thereof, you may be exempted from payment of the non-resident tuition in credit courses. If you do not possess legal immigrant status, you must file a California Non-Resident Tuition Exemption Form (AB540), stating that you will file the appropriate paperwork to legalize your immigration status as soon as you are eligible to. You must also provide the college with a copy of your high school transcript showing three years of enrollment in a California high school, and graduation from a high school in California.

You may apply at any time. The form is also available at the following locations: the Admissions Office in MUB 188; the Latino Services Network (Cloud Hall 364) and the African American Scholastic Program (Bungalow 500); the Admissions or Counseling Offices at all the campuses.  For questions, please contact the Residency Department at

Academic Renewal Petition/Exclusion form and Instructions Petition to have previous substandard college grades of “D”, “F”, or “FW” excluded from grade point average calculations if that work is not reflective of the student’s present level of performance.
Certificate Petition Petition for a Certificate (Credit Courses)

Change of Personal Information Form 

(Must sign in to your myRAM Portal to access the form link, or create an account when prompted.)

Request to add or change personal information, including legal name, address, social security number, and more.  Some categories of information about students are considered "directory information" pursuant to Section 76240 of the Education Code, such as student's name, address, and telephone number.  More information on directory information and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) can be found in the College Catalog on pages 463 and 464.
Change of Major Form Students may change their major on their myRAM Portal under the Student Portal link or complete the Change of Major form.
Chosen Name Change Form for Students Students may add a Chosen Name via the myRAM Portal under the Personal Information link or complete the Chosen Name Change Form.
College and/or Test Data Form An alternate way to satisfy the assessment component is to submit documentation that you have taken college-level English and/or math courses and/or specific test data.
Course Equivalency/Comparability Request to transfer course work to CCSF for the Associate Degree or Certificate Program.
Credit for Prior Learning Petition for Credit for Prior Learning

Duplicate Associate Degree Diploma Request Form

Request a duplicate copy of your Associate degree (AA, AS, AA-T and/or AS-T).

Duplicate Certificate or Award Request Form

Request a duplicate copy of Certificate or Award.  

Petition for Excused Withdrawal/Military Withdrawal

File a petition to withdraw after the established withdrawal deadline due to extenuating circumstances.

FERPA Release Form

You may, at your discretion, grant CCSF permission to release information about your student education records to a third party by submitting a completed Authorization to Release Confidential Information Form. 

Petition for Associate Degree (AA/AA-T/AS/AS-T) Petition for Associate Degree (AA/AA-T/AS/AS-T).

High School Concurrent Enrollment Form

Permission/Consent form for high school dual/concurrent enrollment.
Matriculation Exemption Form Request to be exempt from the new student Matriculation process, i.e., assessment, orientation, or counseling.

Residency Reclassification Request

Request to change residency status from non-resident to resident.
San Francisco Consortium Form A regularly-enrolled, full-time, matriculated student of a San Francisco Consortium institution may register for credit in courses offered by other member institutions with the consent of their faculty advisors and by completing the San Francisco Consortium Form.  San Francisco Consortium policy and instructions are available on the form.

Student Declaration of No Degree Awarded/Non-Attendance

Request to have CCSF records corrected to show that no degree was awarded/no attendance at another college.
Transcript Request Form Request your official transcript online.  Please contact the Transcripts Department at if you have any questions.

Transcript Evaluation Request (Domestic)

Request a domestic transcript evaluation of outside transcripts for an associate degree.
Waiver of College Rules Petition to waive local college regulations. (Title 5 Regulations cannot be waived.)
Form Description
Add/Drop Form Students must use the ADD/DROP process to enroll in class after the admissions application and regular registration deadlines
Authorization to Take Over 9 Units Please see a counselor.
Authorization to Take Over 18 Units Please see a counselor.
Course Repeat Petition Petition to repeat a course.
Petition to Add Class Late Please contact Instructor.

Petition for Excused Withdrawal/Military Withdrawal

File a petition to withdraw after the established withdrawal deadline due to extenuating circumstances.
Pass/No Pass Grading Request Form Students may change the grading mode to pass/no pass via the myRAM portal or submit the Pass/No Pass Grading Request form.
Loss of CCPG and/or Priority Registration Appeal Form File a loss of the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) and/or Priority Registration Appeal Form for the semester in which you want to re-qualify for the CCPG.  For more information about the CCPG, please visit the CCPG web page.   For more information about Priority Registration, please visit the Registration web page.
Section/Course Change Petition

After the official deadline to add a class has passes, a student may change a course or section only if he/she is:

  • Changing to a higher or lower level in sequential course
  • Changing to a different section of the same course.
Time Conflict Approval Petition to take two classes that overlap with the beginning or ending time of a course. Must have both instructors approval.

Forms with an (*) are not currently available online. Please contact Tuition and Fees at to request a copy of the form.


Form Description
Credit Card Authorization (*) Credit card payment authorization form.

COTOP Appeal 

The Chancellor’s Office Tax Offset Program (COTOP) is used to collect the past-due fees on a CCSF student account. Through the COTOP program, your outstanding balance will be sent to the State of California collection through your tax refund or lottery winnings.

Students who believe their account charges are an error may contact may fill out a COTOP Appeal. Students must submit official documentation with the appeal form.

Refund of Enrollment/Nonresident Tuition (Credit Card)(*) Please contact to request an Enrollment/Nonresident Tuition Fee Refund if you paid with a Credit Card.
Refund of Enrollment/Nonresident Tuition (Cash/Check)(*) Please contact to request a refund if tuition was paid by Cash, Check or Money Order.