
Focuses on patient interactions, management, image acquisition, quality assurance, positioning/procedures, and pathology specific to mammography. This course meets the 16 hours of structured education required by the ARRT and 40 hours of structured education required by the CDPH-RHB.

Introductory Echocardiography Professional Practice Work Experience

A supervised professional work experience at the entry level in performance of ultrasound procedures and other noninvasive cardiac procedures. Emphasis on observation of echocardiograms on inpatients in critical care units, developing patient care skills, learning departmental guidelines for processing echocardiograms, and performing basic echocardiograms. Placement is determined by Program Officials. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of unpaid or paid work.

Applied Trades Math

Applied competency-based course designed to prepare students entering the construction, automotive, or custodial trades. Practical applications to trades math will prepare students for trades tests, success in content classes, and work in the field.

Basic Design: 2-D Foundations

Introduction to visual perception, concepts, methods and applications of two-dimensional design across visual art disciplines and platforms. Self-expression and creative problem-solving through studio art projects. Lecture presentations, readings, verbal articulation, and critiques to develop visual literacy. Study of design theory with a focus on interdependence of content, form and context, combined with visual analysis of art from different eras and cultures.

High School Geometry 1B

A second course in Geometry: Aside from learning the skills and concepts of angles, triangles, polygons, polyhedra, and spheres, students will develop their ability to construct formal, logical arguments and proofs in geometric settings and problems.