Deciding on a Career

An in-depth study of the process of deciding on a career. Topics include career curiosity, self-assessments, the world of work, job markets, career development over the life span, and influence of career choice from family and relationships. Emphasis on researching career options and self-evaluating one's interests, values, and personality. Helpful to those considering a career change or undecided about a college major.

Health, Safety and Nutrition in Early Childhood Programs

Introduction to laws, regulations, standards, curriculum, policies, and procedures related to health, safety, and nutrition for all children. Components that ensure physical health, mental health, and safety for children and staff and the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating concepts into planning and program development.

Culinary Fundamentals: Baking and Pastry

Pastry and baking production skills through extensive hands-on practice complemented by a combination of lectures and demonstrations. Working in a professional kitchen environment at City College, students prepare an impressive and varied assortment of breads, breakfast pastries, cookies, cakes, pies, tarts and fine-dining plated desserts, honing organizational skills, accuracy, and speed while adhering to sanitation and safety protocols.