Pharmacy Technician Externship

A supervised work experience in developing a professional relationship with patients, pharmacy staff, and other health care personnel in a retail pharmacy and hospital setting focusing on professional attitudes and work-related entry-level competencies. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of unpaid or paid work.

Filipinx LGBTQ+ Identities and Culture

This course examines the experiences of the Filipinx LGBTQ+ communities in the Philippines and the diaspora. Using an intersectional approach, topics include, but are not limited to, the histories and legacies of colonization, belief systems and faith, queer cultural values, family dynamics, sexuality, gender identities, struggles for acceptance, liberation, colonial mentality, and contemporary efforts of advocacy and activism by the queer Filipinx community.

Beginning Aqua Zumba

A low-impact water exercise course designed to improve muscular strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular fitness. Non-swimming exercises will involve Latin-based dance steps and variations using Aqua Zumba dance vocabulary and music.

Introduction to Exercise and Sports Nutrition

Introduction to the application of nutrition to human performance in both exercise and sports, with emphasis on nutrition as it applies to fitness, sport-specific training, and athletic performance. Topics include nutrient requirements and dietary recommendations, energy metabolism, weight management, the role of adequate nutrition in performance during training and competition, nutrition ergogenic aids.

Male Intimacy and Relationships

Course studies male to male intimate relationships from a variety of perspectives. Integrating the personal experiences of class members, the course also examines biological, psychological, social, and cultural influences upon men?s ability to develop and sustain intimate relationships. Students will gain a better understanding of how to seek and participate in more satisfying relationships as well as understand and cope with the many forces that impact male same-sex relationships.