Noncredit Numbers
This annually produced set of charts and tables describe student enrollments in noncredit courses at CCSF over a ten year period. Student demographics for students enrolled in noncredit and credit are compared, including ethnicity and age, along with other characteristics such as enrollment by department and center.
Noncredit Numbers (Summary data: Noncredit classes and students) - October 2020
Noncredit ESL to Subsequent Credit Enrollment
This brief examines noncredit course-taking behaviors and subsequent credit enrollments for first-time noncredit ESL students in three cohorts, disaggregated by age, ethnicity, sex, ESLN level, and location of coursework. Students who begin noncredit coursework at higher ESLN levels transition to credit at higher rates than do those beginning at lower ESLN levels, female students transition at a higher rate than male students, Asian students transition at a higher rate than Latino/a students, and younger students transition at higher rates than older students. This analysis helps inform our understanding of students who transition from noncredit ESL to credit coursework.
First-time noncredit ESL students and transitions to credit - April 2020
Positive Attendance (PARS)
This study incorporates ten years of Positive Attendance Roster Sheet (PARS) data. Open enrollment allows for students to enter at any time in the semester. However, after the semester's halfway point relatively few new students entered into noncredit classes. Enrollment generally peaked at the end of the first month, then slowly declined, with a sharp drop off in the last week or two of the semester. Analysis for the entire college, by department, and by center showed little variation among departments or centers; however, programs with cohorts showed more consistent enrollment across the semester. Individual department or campus reports available upon request.
PARS Attendance Study (Fall 2008 to Spring 2018) - May 2019