Animal Biology

An introduction to the biology, evolution, and ecology of animals. Topics include chemistry, cell biology, anatomy, physiology, behavior, evolution, classification, genetics, and the diversity of invertebrate and vertebrate organisms.

Human Biology

An introduction to scientific and biological principles through the study of humans as exemplary organisms. Lectures and laboratory exercises will explore current scientific issues, develop critical thinking skills, and examine the structure and function of the human body in relation to health and disease.

Revit Architecture I

An introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Revit Architecture software. Automation and creation of building design and documentation, interface and tools, and coordination of data. No previous CAD experience required.

Industry Internship

Media-related work experience and further career development in a supervised setting. Work experience in an approved industry facility such as a television station, a sound recording studio or business, a webcast enterprise, a radio station, a video production company, a corporate media production enterprise, and/or a multimedia production team. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of paid or unpaid work.

Media Internship Preparation

This course prepares the student to find and successfully complete a college-based or industry-based media internship. Students prepare a media resume, learn time management, networking, and interview skills. Students improve work-based skills, research media jobs and prepare for media industry employment.

College Internship

Media-related work experience and further career development in a supervised setting. On campus, college work experience in college district media support services such as Broadcast Media Services, Educational Access Television, Audio Visual, Outreach and Recruitment Services and Marketing Public Information. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of paid or unpaid work.

Special Project

Students apply theory and skills acquired in electronic media classes to an independent electronic media project acceptable to both student and instructor. Permission of instructor is required to register.

Video Motion Graphics - Intermediate

Continuation course for intermediate-level motion graphics students to further develop knowledge and skills in conceptualizing and executing digital effects, compositing, and motion graphics projects for distribution on broadcast, cablecast, webcast, and mobile devices. Concepts and skills previously introduced in BCST 146A are expanded upon in a hands-on classroom/laboratory setting.