Written Business Communication

Extensive practice in writing and editing business letters, memorandums, e-mail messages, social media messages, and other business documents. Class discussions on style, structure, goals of written business communication, and cultural diversity in business. Practice in using appropriate vocabulary and tone in business documents.

Business Communications

A lecture-lab course to develop basic writing skills for the business world. Topics include the business writing process, various business audiences, and skills to improve writing, as well as practice writing emails, letters, instructions, and summaries.

Introduction to Nutrition

Emphasis on the practical application of nutrition to everyday life such as planning a healthy diet, assessing one's nutritional food intake, understanding nutritional labels and useful sources for nutrition information. Scientific principles behind the development of Dietary Reference Intakes (DRls) and Food Guidelines.

Food Safety Manager Preparation

This course prepares culinary professionals for the implementation of food safety practices, maintenance of a safe and hygienic foodservice operation, and oversight and training of hourly food workers to prevent the transmission of foodborne illness. The course content is aligned with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Code and prepares certification candidates for any of the nationally-accredited Certified Food Safety Manager Exams.

Emerging Diseases

A general education course emphasizing the intersection of microbiology, epidemiology, ecology, climate change and public health as they relate to selected emerging diseases that threaten human and animal welfare around the globe. It analyzes the influence of biological, evolutionary, environmental, socio-political, dietary and lifestyle factors on the emergence of "new" (within the past 20 years) diseases, as well as the reemergence of vaccine-preventable and antibiotic-resistant diseases.