Announcing and Performance

Introduction to basic theory and practice in interpretation of copy, pronunciation, and announcer's duties for radio, television, podcast and web video. Study and practice of oral skills for effective communication of meaning in scripts, newscasts, voiceovers and commercial messages with emphasis on development of voice, articulation and pronunciation.

Mass Media and Society

A general interest course covering the history, organization, and social role of major mass communication media, such as radio, television, motion pictures, print, recording industries, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. Basic theory of communication and communication research. Emphasis on the influence of mass media on the individual and society.

Media Literacy

Critical analysis of aesthetic and thematic aspects of television, cable, streaming audio, video, and mobile device programming. Methods of interpreting visual and oral messages present in news, entertainment, sports and advertising. Impact of emerging technologies on program content and form.

Introduction to Electronic Media

Development and impact of electronic media institutions of radio, television, cable, satellite, internet, and new media technologies as social, vocational, economic, and political forces in American society. The emphasis of this course is on history, organization, operation, occupation, programming, political development, regulation, and business practices.

Auto Body Welding

In this course students will learn how to identify and work with different types of welding equipment used in the installation of welded panels. They will also learn various methods of welding, brazing, soldering and plasma arc cutting of thin auto body material.

Introduction to Auto Painting and Refinishing

This course is designed as an introduction to automotive urethane, polyurethane and water based refinishing. It includes a comprehensive study of the materials, equipment, techniques and processes in the successful application of each of the automotive refinishing materials by integrating classroom gained knowledge with shop practice. This course is required for the Auto body Painting and Refinishing certificate.