International Business Finance

An introduction to the financial decisions impacting International Business, including assessing the current economic environment, computing foreign exchange rates, analyzing foreign exchange risks, learning how to calculate time value of money of global assets, and considering current and prior issues impacting international finance.

International Marketing

Marketing execution in an international environment. Impact of cultural, economic, legal, and political environments on creating, pricing, promoting, and distributing products/services. Role of global trade organizations on international marketing strategy.

Interior Design Studio I

Introduction to interior design fundamentals relating to space and form of commercial and institutional interior environments. Topics include color, space, form, light, sustainability, material, furniture selection, windows, floors, and accessories as these relate to the profession.

Social Justice Work Experience

General work experience course designed for students considering careers in social justice, public service and the nonprofit sector. Through supervised internships at justice-oriented and community-based organizations, students can increase their skills working with the public sector and their knowledge of career options and pathways, including the skills necessary for work in this sector. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of unpaid or paid work.

Diversity: Ageism and Adultism (Age-based Oppression)

A consciousness-raising analysis and evaluation of age-based bias, discrimination and oppression (adultism and ageism) on individual, institutional, and cultural levels in the U.S. Expanding knowledge about adultism and ageism, increasing awareness of one's own socialization and assumptions, and the application of this knowledge and awareness for individual and social change are emphasized.