Degree Works Workshops - Spring 2025
Attend a workshop to learn how to track your academic progress and plan your educational goals!
What's your next step after City College? Whether your goal is to transition to a career or transfer to pursue a higher degree, your completion at City College is a crucial step in the journey.
The Completion Center guides and supports students with completing their programs and goals.
Completion Center Support Services
- Assist with the certificate/degree* petition process and referral to resources
- Provide guidance with the Degree Works system (program audit and education plan)
- Identify and support students who have completed a program or are close to completion, but have not petitioned
- Send early alert messages to students with a substandard midterm grade, offer support resources for successful completion
- Participate in Student Success Teams to share information about various programs and assist with completion resources
- Engage in technology projects to remove systemic barriers, improve educational planning, and increase student success and completion
*note: the Associate Degree petition requires meeting with an academic counselor
Petition and Transfer Information
Associate Degrees
Credit and Noncredit
Transfer to a 4-year university