Liberal Arts Math

Survey of mathematics for students with nontechnical goals. Topics include problem solving, set theory, logic, number theory, modeling with functions, geometry, finance, combinatorics, probability, and the role of mathematics in modern society. This course is designed to enhance student appreciation of both the beauty and utility of mathematics.

Intermediate Algebra

Polynomials and rational expressions; solving linear, quadratic, and rational equations; linear inequalities; systems of linear equations; graphing lines, parabolas, and circles; radicals and rational exponents; complex numbers; introduction to functions; introduction to exponential functions and logarithms; applications; problem solving skills.

Elementary and Intermediate Algebra

Accelerated treatment of both elementary and intermediate algebra topics. Polynomials and rational expressions; solving linear, quadratic, and rational equations; linear inequalities; systems of linear equations; graphing lines, parabolas, and circles; radicals and rational exponents; complex numbers; introduction to functions; introduction to exponential functions and logarithms; applications; problem solving skills.

Maker Capstone

Students will complete cross-discipline projects of their own design. Each student will conceptualize, prototype, test, and develop a working model to prove their design using materials and techniques of traditionally disparate disciplines.

Introduction to History, Culture and Practices of Making

Introduction to the Maker Movement, a survey of cultures, disciplines, materials, and technologies related to the traditions of making through time and around the world. Students will recognize key materials and techniques of disciplines including the arts, construction, engineering, and computer science to critically analyze and apply ways of creating that support an understanding of culturally significant work of diverse peoples and eras.

Photoshop and Acrobat for Business

Create, edit, organize, and optimize web images and documents using industry standard programs Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat. Topics include digital image editing, automation batch tools, document manipulation and conversion, optical character recognition (OCR), encryption, and interactive forms, and portable document format. Produce business office materials for outreach, social networks, electronic publications, print and web, and documents for use in content management systems (CMS).