Foundations of Data Science

Foundations of Data Science combines an introductory look into the fundamental skills and concepts of computer programming and inferential statistics with hands-on experience in analyzing datasets by using common tools within the industry. Additionally, the course investigates ethical issues surrounding Data Science, such as data privacy.

Supervised Making

Academic support, supervised making and supervised use of campus makerspaces. Students work on assignments given in other CCSF maker-related credit and non-credit courses. Instructor assists students with makerspace tools, equipment, materials, and methods.

Mobile Apps for Business

Overview of industry standard mobile apps and tools used to perform, transform, and manage business processes, services, operations, and functions. Topics include building an effective mobile business strategy, improving productivity, enhancing customer experience, promoting a business through mobile operations, and utilizing mobile apps for communications, productivity, planning, organizing, billing, payments, sales, marketing, and mobile e-business applications.

Introduction to Research Skills

Information competency skills help students be more effective consumers and creators of information. This course helps students develop awareness and resilience for life, work, & study in a society overloaded with information. Disinformation, algorithmic bias, Web search strategies, fact-checking, privacy, plagiarism, & information ethics are covered. Techniques include using online library databases, identifying information types, and citing & selecting credible and relevant scholarly sources.

Contemporary Global Art and Culture

Focus on contemporary LGBTQ+ creativity, identities, differences, and commonalities through LGBTQ+ art and culture in global contexts. Through considerations of imperialism and colonization as well as religion and other intersecting identities, this course examines contemporary LGBTQ+ writers, artists, filmmakers, and musicians within a global context.

Interpreting Lab II

Practice advanced interpreting skills, standards, and protocols, with a focus on active listening, linguistic equivalency, vocabulary development, and ethical decision-making. In addition, practice managing the flow of interpreting sessions, such as maintaining pace, ensuring transparency, facilitating understanding and communication, and respecting communicative autonomy of all parties in fast-paced health care and other settings of varying dynamics and complexity.

Interpreting Lab I

Practice interpreting skills, standards, and protocols, with a focus on active listening, linguistic equivalency, vocabulary development, and managing the flow of interpreting sessions, such as maintaining pace, ensuring transparency, facilitating understanding and communication, and respecting communicative autonomy of all parties in health care and other settings.