Flat Pattern Design II

Continuation of techniques for pattern development, with an emphasis on industry production skills. Techniques covered include the development of complex designs, including patterns for tailored garments, pants, and patterns for stretch fabric.

Fashion Design II

Building on the skills learned in Illustration I and Design I, students will learn to develop fashion collections based on their own design aesthetic and philosophy. Emphasis on communicating design ideas, creating cohesive collections, and designing appropriately for a specific market.

Fashion Design I

This beginning course provides a foundation in the design principles of fashion. Students will work to develop visual research skills, identify design elements, and communicate ideas through the use of inspirational mood boards. Color and fabric stories will emerge from these boards to become designs for four seasonal clothing collections.

Fashion Illustration II

Building on the skills gained in Fashion Illustration 1 students will expand on their artistic renderings, 10 head proportions, coloration, and textile interpretations. Flat sketches in 8 head proportion will be introduced to create specification sheets for production. Students will learn to group their ideas into capsule collections.

Pattern Grading

Theories and techniques for grading patterns into multiple sizes, including principles of fit, how the body grows, and various size ranges. Conventional methods are used to practice the basic principles of grading on a variety of pattern types.

Flat Pattern Design I

Principles and techniques of designing a garment pattern using flat pattern methods, focusing on the development of women's patterns. Using a basic sloper, students analyze designs and create patterns for those designs. Students will create a final, finished garment from an original design. This course requires basic sewing skills.