Fashion History

Chronological study of costumes in Western civilization from antiquity to the late 20th century, including social, economic and political influences on historic costume. Analysis of contemporary fashion design as influenced by historic styles.

Textile Analysis

Analysis of the performance and care of natural and man-made textile fibers, yarns, fabrics and other products. Fabric construction methods, fabric identification, dyeing and finishing processes are included. Discussion of current issues and innovations in the textile field.

Garment Fitting Techniques

Introduction to fitting on a live model. Identify and correct fitting problems on sample muslin garments, including bodices, skirts, pants and jackets. Learn how to transfer those adjustments to the pattern and use draping techniques to create well-fitting production patterns. Fitting issues for knit and stretch fabrics will also be addressed.

Apparel Construction 2

Elements of garment construction using intermediate clothing construction methods and techniques. Multiple finishes, hard to handle fabrics, use of overlock, complex construction sequences. Students construct three garments using techniques from class.

Introduction to Homeland Security

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of Homeland Security. It examines the history and events leading up to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. This class will examine the interoperation between local, state, federal and non-governmental organizations regarding mitigation, preparation, prevention, response and recovery in an all-hazards environment.

Firefighter One Academy

Students trained to latest State Fire Training Firefighter One standards, National Fire Protection Association standards for Firefighter One. F SC 111 focuses on structural firefighting, wildland firefighting, and hazardous materials and weapons of mass destruction.