The Associated Students Council of Ocean Campus (ASCO) consists of a President, six Vice Presidents, and twelve Senators elected by the student body. The council works together to elevate student voices and improve the student experience at City College of San Francisco.
Ocean Council Officers
- Jenny Thach, President (She/Her)
- Office Hours (SU 213)
- Thursdays: 3pm-5pm
- Office Hours (SU 213)
- Aung Khant, Vice President of Administration (He/Him)
- Emily La (She/Her), Vice President of Public Relations
- Sherry Duong, Vice President of Campus Enrichment (She/Her)
- Tiffany Liao, Vice President of Finance (She/Her)
- Vaughn Ledrew, Vice President of Inter-Club Council (He/Him)
- Maya Mason, Vice President of Community Resources (She/They)
- Ariel Mejia, Senator (She/Her)
- Deion Chaudhary, Senator (He/Him)
- Ellen Estrada, Senator (She/Her)
- Emily Iwata, Senator (She/Her)
- Gantamir Gankhuyag, Senator (He/Him)
- Isabella Hui, Senator (She/Her)
- Jordan Langdon, Senator (He/Him)
- Lilia Lei, Senator (She/Her)
- Nicole Wanawijaya, Senator (She/Her)
- Tommy Nguyen, Senator (He/Him)
- Zhanuzak Ulankalyi, Senator (He/Him)
- Providence "Provi" Poklay, Senator (He/Him)
Committees and Meetings
All Associated Students Council of Ocean Campus (ASCO) meetings are open to all students and everyone is encouraged to attend! See the table below for our regularly scheduled meetings. Currently, all meetings are taking place online via Zoom. Please check the agenda/minutes to see when the next committee meeting is scheduled to occur. All agendas will be posted 72-hours in advance. Please contact to learn more.
ASCO General Council
Campus Enrichment
Finance Committee
Inter Club Council (ICC)
Public Relations (PR)
Resource Centers & Programs United (RCPU)
Rules & Regulations Committee
Vice President Cabinet
Meetings: Wednesdays @ 3:10pm - 5:00pm
Location: Student Union 208 & Virtually on Zoom
Chair: Jenny Thach
Chair Email:
What is ASCO Council?
The ASCO weekly general council meeting occurs on Wednesdays from 3:10 -5 pm with all officers present. This is where all public inquiries, concerns, and comments are addressed, as well as committee updates and relevant topics. All members of the public are welcome to attend any meetings and agenda item requests can be made by anyone!
Meetings: Tuesday @ 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Student Union 208 & Virtually on Zoom
Chair: Sherry Duong
Chair Email:
What is the Campus Enrichment Committee?
The Campus Enrichment Committee strives to enhance campus life and culture through organizing events that develop morale, promote social awareness, support academic/career development, and celebrate diversity. Our committee acts as the central body under which all ASCO events and related activities are coordinated. We aspire to create a united and empowered community by creating an enriching experience for all students while here on CCSF’s Ocean Campus.
Meetings: Thursdays @ 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Location: Student Union 208 & Virtually on Zoom
Chair: Tiffany Liao
Chair Email:
What is the Finance Committee?
The Finance Committee is responsible for the management of the funds graciously provided by students through the $7 Student Activity Fee. Through this fee, ASCO funds over a dozen programs dedicated to helping the students of CCSF. Within this committee, the distribution of those funds is decided in our yearly budget drafting process, where various stakeholders are invited to ASCO meetings to provide their input and to solicit funding for their programs.
Meetings: Mondays @ 1:10pm - 2:00pm
Location: Student Union 208 & Virtually on Zoom
Chair: Vaughn LeDrew
Chair Email:
ICC Website
The Inter Club Council consists of ASCO officers and CCSF club representatives that weekly on Mondays from 1:10pm - 2:00pm to discuss club updates and coordinate campus-wide events such as the Unity Day Event. ICC is in charge of the creation of clubs and club recognitions and fund allocations.
Meetings: Tuesday @ 11:00pm - 12:00pm
Location: Student Union 208 & Virtually on Zoom
Chair: Emily La
Chair Email:
What is the Public Relations Committee?
The PR Committee serves as a liaison between the ASCO, its affiliated programs, and the Ocean Campus Student Body. We work to promote awareness and engagement of the AS Council and its affiliated programs. PR is responsible for the management of the AS Council social media accounts and the creation of promotional items for the ASCO. We prioritize developing a working media and outreach strategy for the term that may include tabling, visiting classrooms, press releases, newsletters, or developing brochures for AS activities and services.
Meetings: Mondays @ 3:10pm - 4:00pm
Location: Student Union 208 & Virtually on Zoom
Chair: Maya Mason
Chair Email:
What is the Resource Centers and Programs United Committee?
The Resource Centers and Programs United Committee Facilitates open communication between the ASCO, its funded/sponsored Resource Centers and Programs, and the CCSF administration and faculty. They advocate for solutions and highlight important topics affecting Resource Centers, Programs, and their constituents. They also assist Resource Centers and Programs with fiscal planning and issues. ASCO Council Members who serve on the RCPU Committee are not eligible to be RCPU Representatives.
Meetings: Mondays @ 2:10pm - 3:00pm
Location: Student Union 208 & Virtually on Zoom
Chair: Aung Khant
Chair Email:
What is the Rules and Regulations Committee?
The Rules and Regulations Committee is responsible for enforcing the ASCCCSF Constitution, Bylaws, and ASCO Codes. We are the governing body that recommends and submits amendments to the Ocean Codes to the General Council for final approval. R&R goes through all of the CCSF Board Policies and Administrative Procedures that are relevant to the Student Body. In addition, the R&R committee supports legislative procedure training for all ASCO Council members. The committee also aids committee chairs in teaching Vice Chairs on how to handle committee meetings and in managing the ASCO Council's paperwork and forms.
Meetings: Wednesdays @ 2:10pm - 3:00pm
Location: Student Union 208 & Virtually on Zoom
Chair: Jenny Thach
Chair Email:
What is Vice President Cabinet?
The Vice President Cabinet consists of the ASCO president and the six vice presidents who meet weekly to discuss updates within their own committees. These meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend!