Spring 2025 Associated Students General Elections – Apply Today!
Serving as an elected student leader is a great opportunity to advocate for the student experience at CCSF, develop your leadership style, and build life-long skills for career and personal growth. Associated Students General Elections occur every spring semester with special elections on an as needed basis to fill vacancies.
Take the next step in student leadership and advocacy by applying for an elected student leadership position at CCSF. Serve as a student representative at your campus (Chinatown/NB, Downtown, Evans, John Adams, Mission, or Ocean) or in a district-wide role while gaining valuable leadership experience. Elected student leaders will serve from June 1, 2025, to May 31, 2026.
Application Links:
Spring 2025 Associated Students General Elections – Timeline
Monday, Mar. 10 | ASC General Election Candidate Applications Open |
Monday, Apr. 7 | ASC General Election Candidate Applications Due (11:59pm) |
Wednesday, Apr. 9 | Candidates Notified of Approval (by 5:00pm) |
Thurs., Apr. 10 to Sun., Apr. 13 | Orientation for Candidates (Asynchronous – 4 Days to Complete) |
Monday, Apr. 14 |
Campaigning Begins at 12:01am TOWN HALL: District & Ocean Campus Candidates
Tuesday, Apr. 15 |
TOWN HALL: District & Centers Candidate
Wednesday, Apr. 23 | ASC Elections Voting Begins at 10:00am |
Sunday, May 4 | ASC Elections Voting Closes at 11:59pm |
Wednesday, May 7 | ASC Elections Results Posted (by 5:00pm) |
Friday, May 9 | Take Down ALL Campaign Materials |

Students First! Who better to represent students than someone who stands side-by-side with and for students. My name is Juan “Malinalli” Villalobos and I am running for Re-Election for Student Chancellor. I go by “Malinalli”, which is my Indigenous (Aztec) name. I am a student at CCSF with a strong academic 3.5+ GPA. My CCSF degrees include Associates in Arts and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Anthropology, and Social Justice: Ethnic Studies, Critical Pacific Islands & Oceania Studies and Latin American & Latinx Studies, as well as a certificate in Diversity & Social Justice and Gender Studies. I am a current graduate, who is continuing to work on my CCSF Associates Degree in Labor and Community Studies. I have extensive experience working and advocating for a diverse community population. Beginning as a youth and young adult, I have been doing community work, making sure the underrepresented communities have representation. I currently hold the position of Student Chancellor and previously served as Student Trustee at CCSF for two terms (all thanks to students who have believed in me and continue to believe in me.) I have taken these opportunities of being elected to both the Student Chancellor and Student Trustee positions to be the voice of all students throughout the San Francisco Community College District. I have learned so much during these three years. And if given the opportunity, I will continue to advocate for students in my second term as Student Chancellor. As demonstrated during my current Student Chancellor term and previous Trustee terms, at Board of Trustees meetings and all space I have and will continue to fight against any class cuts, any programs being cut, and any layoffs to our faculty and staff. For example at Camp Conlan, I camped outside of Conlan Hall (Ocean campus), along with Faculty, to advocate for faculty not to be laid off (No Pink Slips!) and for classes not to be cut.
For the past few years, I have been working with a grassroots, environmental and local community Organization, PODER (People Organizing To Demand Environmental and Economic Rights). During the height of the pandemic, one of our main goals was to provide the Community with food security through mutual aid, delivering food directly to people, (over 200 families) contactlessly. During the pandemic, I worked on a project “Masks for the Movement” which is a program that supported women garment workers to work from home and sew masks for the community. I made deliveries and worked directly with them to make sure they were taken care of. Besides local community volunteering, I currently work at the Interdisciplinary Studies (IDST) Department as Peer mentor to students in the programs that we offer. Previously, I worked as a Family Advocate & Peer mentor at the Family Resource Center (FRC). And also as a Peer mentor at Students Supporting Students (SCUBE,) one of the Retention and Resource Centers at the CCSF Ocean campus. In my role as a Peer mentor for the different spaces, I work one-on- one with students who need support by providing not only academic support and student counseling, but also community and emotional support as needed. This gave me much opportunity to reach the community most in need, many who have goals of a four year university and beyond.
I am also a VASA member, which is another student success program that supports the Pacific Islander communities. VASA was one of the first programs I came across at CCSF. Working alongside the Summer Bridge program (a program that bridges new students to college learning and where my CCSF journey began) as well as with the Diversity Collaborative (which is a collective of departments that work together to overcome the achievement gaps and obstacles that many communities face) has allowed for intersectional learning. Being a part of the Diversity Collaborative has given me the honor to work with many communities and programs which include: African American Studies, Asian American Studies, Asian Studies, Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS), Interdisciplinary Studies (IDST), Labor and Community Studies, Latinx Studies, LGBTQQI Studies, Philippine Studies, and Women and Gender Studies. We are many diverse communities who have come to CCSF for betterment of our futures and our communities. Being a part of the Diversity Collaborative has allowed me to be a well rounded student who appreciates the many communities that CCSF represents.
As a first generation college student, my goal is to attain my B.A., Masters, & Ph.D. degrees, in order to become an educator. I hope one day to return to CCSF as a Professor, to pass on my knowledge to the next generation of students/ community members.
I am a student and community activist/organizer who advocates for undocumented/DACA(mented) & all students regardless of their immigration status. Helping students and the community is my passion and the reason I am running for Re-Election as your Student Chancellor.
Your Vote will count:
-Students First! → To advocate for students & their interest/needs in the most important decision making space at CCSF.
-Students First! → To ensure that students have an impactful role in the Participatory Governance (PGC) of CCSF by working on incentives for student service so that marginalized student voices can have a seat at the table and have communication with the Chancellor about their basic needs (via the Student Chancellor role). This would also include advocating for Classes not to be cut or whole programs discontinued.
-Students First! → To develop a plan of action to further support our student resource centers and prevent disruptions to the vital services they provide our student body. This would be done by building strong relationships with CCSF Administration and Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) council.
-Students First! → To propose and expand educational & cultural events of the diverse student population throughout the district.
With much humility & excitement, I am running for Re-Election to be your CCSF Student Chancellor.
In Solidarity and Community,
(Juan “Malinalli” Villalobos)

Greeting CCSF community,
My name is My (Amelia) Khong, and I go by She/Her/Her pronouns. I am a student of color, LGBTQ+, a non-traditional/returning student currently pursuing associate degrees in Data Science and Social Work at CCSF since 2022. And, I am running for the Student Vice Chancellor position for the Academic Year 2024 - 2025.
In my current position (Student Vice Chancellor 2023-2024), I serve on behalf of students to raise voices to improve accessibility, inclusivity, and diversity at CCSF. As a regular voting member of the Participatory Governance Committee, I work directly with constituency groups including Staff, Faculty, and Administrative Team. At this committee, we talk about a variety of issues across all campuses and centers like student registration, budget issues, facilities, and so on. As a member of the Executive Leadership Team, with the Student Trustee, Student Chancellor, and Student Treasurer, we serve as the Executive Leadership Team where we gather Student Representatives from all campuses and centers to the Executive meeting every Friday to share their issues. We invite cabinet members to come to the meetings to listen to students and have conversations. We bring to the table students' issues, let them share, and unify their voices ALL IN ONE to make changes. We help the constituency groups to understand students' challenges, and push them to take action to improve our experiences.
In my 2nd year of Student Vice Chancellor position 2024-205, I am hoping to strengthen the leadership team and improve the operation of the local centers. I aim to empower the student body government so they can bring their voices to benefit students because they are the ones who know best about their centers/campuses. I also want to promote and nurture a leadership environment where every student can become a leader to raise their voice for change. While CCSF has more than 50 committees such as Participatory Governance, Academic Senate, Taskforce program, and so on; students' voices only happen at a few committees due to a lack number of student representatives. As a district-wide position, I hope to spread out the students' voices in every aspect of campus. I believe that students' voices must be considered in decision-making procedures about students. As a result, we together can create an open learning environment where students can get equal access and opportunities to learn and transform themselves for a better future.
With my experience of working in the non-profit sector for more than 10 years and a unique set of skills in Budget, Project Management as well as 2.5 years serving as the Student Leader at the CCSF community, I believe that I can continue to provide help and guidance to bring the best for students. Moreover, coming from an underprivileged background has given me experience in understanding deeply the underserved population, I hope this can help me to raise my voice for the diverse population at CCSF. As a result, I am asking for your support to vote for me as a Student Vice Chancellor for the Year of 2024 - 2025. I hope to continue my service to take action, make changes, improve CCSF, and bring the best student life experience to everyone.
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact me at studentvicechancellor@mail.ccsf.edu.
Your VOICE will be HEARD because I will take ACTION!
My (Amelia) Khong

Hello Fellow Students,
My name is Heather Brandt, and I am honored to address you as a candidate for the position of Student Trustee at City College of San Francisco (CCSF). I bring to you a commitment forged in my experiences as a systems-impacted, working student parent and as a fierce advocate for equity.
Like many of you, I am deeply invested in creating lasting change that will benefit both current and future generations of California Community College (CCC) students. Recognizing the challenges within our CCSF community, I am eager to collaborate with you all in pursuit of meaningful transformation.
Throughout my journey at CCSF, I have served in various leadership roles, including currently as your Student Trustee. Previously, I have served as Student Chancellor and President of the Associated Students Council of Ocean Campus (ASCO). In these capacities, I have played a pivotal role in revitalizing our campus post-pandemic, reinstating essential services, and introducing initiatives such as the Associated Student Bookloan Book Voucher. My decision to engage with the Associated Students stems from my deep love for our diverse student body and a sincere commitment to our community's well-being.
As the President of Student Parents United (SPU), a club dedicated to supporting pregnant and parenting students, I have gained valuable insights into the unique challenges faced by student parents. My work at the Family Resource Center (FRC) has further underscored the importance of community-building and advocacy for the needs of all students.
While my academic focus lies in Public Health and Social Justice, I am a firm believer in lifelong learning, evident in my interdisciplinary coursework at CCSF. My experiences in student leadership have honed my ability to learn, grow, and collaborate, always with a focus on amplifying student voices and fostering inclusivity.
As a current member of the Board of Trustees (BoT), I have contributed to vital resolutions and initiatives, including those supporting LGBTQ+ rights, environmental sustainability, and pregnant and parenting students to name a few. Additionally, my involvement in various collegewide committees and statewide organizations demonstrates my commitment to advocating for student interests at every level.
Beyond CCSF, I bring a decade of experience in community-based organizations, serving underrepresented and underserved communities. My dedication to helping others drives my work, both within and outside of academia.
If re-elected, I pledge to uphold values of honesty, open communication, compassion, and authenticity. I am deeply invested in the well-being of our CCSF community and am committed to navigating these challenging times together.
I am immensely grateful for the opportunities CCSF has provided me, and I am eager to continue giving back. Together, let us embark on the work ahead with determination and unity. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Hello Everyone!
I’m Petrina Ruth Pledger. I’m originally from India. I lived in the United States since 2018. I’m a Mother Student in CCSF currently taking ESL non credit classes and my majors are Real Estate and Fashion. I have a background education on Master in Business Administration in the stream of Finance and Human Resources & A Diploma in Educational Development of Childhood & Montessori Teacher’s Training from India. My Pursuing Passion is Dance that brings me joy and fulfillment that’s important for my overall well-being.
I describe myself as a Resilient and Goal Oriented Leader. I joined the ASC as a Senator and Ambassador DTN from Spring 2023 -24. Currently I serve as the Student Treasurer in AS Executive Council. All I love about ASC and AS Executive Council is the Leadership we fight for students gets education to all citizen and immigrant students. I’m inspired in my journey here in CCSF community. I deeply desire to create small change that would benefit the future generations and understand and be aware of the current struggles in the community. “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.”
My dedication and passion for serving the CCSF community shines through my works. It’s evident that I committed to making a positive impact and ensuring that every student's voice is heard and valued. My mission to ensure student voices are heard and my vision of creating a safe and supportive environment for all students.
I will ensure our voices will continue to be heard on behalf of the community. As a Student Governor I will make sure every student feels safe to learn and grow and transform to become the better version of themselves. I’m Proud to be a part of CCSF and serve the community in a better way with love and kindness to everyone.

I was born and raised in Ukraine and moved to the US to study and to pursue new job opportunities as UI/UX Designer. Recently I became a mother and it has been very challenging to study or work with a child. It was great to discover Child Development classes at Chinatown Campus where I can learn with my child, meet other amazing and creative moms from different parts of the world. After talking to other moms at the College, I decided to run for the City College Associated Student Government to make some improvements to Chinatown Campus, to help other students to connect with people from different background, cultures, and countries and make new friends.
In the past, I worked on some art exhibitions, organized fashion shows, creative photoshoots, worked on large sculpture installation projects with different teams, and participated in art events in Ukraine, Hungary, USA and Singapore. As an active member of Ukrainian community as well as an accomplished artist I would like to help other students to establish themselves and encourage creative enthusiasts to work on group projects on campus. It is my goal to make Chinatown City College a vibrant and creative place where students stay after classes, collaborate on creative projects, get a lot of inspirations from it’s beautiful environment, encourage each other to study and achieve great results. Hopefully in the future my child will be taking classes at this branch and my hard work will help to make this location to become one of the most amazing places to study in California.
Some of my ideas to improve this City College location are centered around:
- building a community by participating in group projects, to discover the power of working/creating/learning together, providing a sense of connection and belonging (start a community garden, encourage more students to form social clubs based on different interests, start student challenges/competitions/collaborations)
- beautifying cafeteria, lobby and other campus places (adding bright and colorful conners, place art, sculptures, plants or other inspirational centerpieces)
- creating a vibrant and motivational environment, encouraging students to shine (organize students art exhibitions, dance and other fun activities, student fashion shows and performances)
- helping students with kids to continue their education, providing resources and support for parents who want to continue their education or to change careers (starting Chinatown child care service similar to Ocean and Mission campuses, provide information about state funded child care programs for student-parent, organize yoga classes focused on doing yoga with a child together, organize stress management meditation activities focused on parenting)
- unlock growth in various areas by bringing people with same interests, to build strong connections and to make a positive impact (work on sustainability program for City college, reducing it’s carbon footprint, provide more support for people with disabilities and learning challenges, volunteering, etc)
This opportunity gives me a chance to be involved in the College social life not only to share my creativity, experience, and enthusiasm, but also to show my cultural connection and my Ukrainian roots.
Ukrainians have been struggling for freedom and identity for centuries and especially now when the country is at war it’s important for me to share Ukrainian history at international and cultural events and talk to my newly made student-friends about the beauty of the land, our songs, literature, the warmth of the people, and our long cultural heritage.

My name is Nanako Ito. I have been studying at CCSF for about a year. Born in Tokyo, Japan, after graduating from university, I worked in a Japanese company for five years. Due to my family's relocation, I moved to San Francisco last spring.
I have decided to run for the position of Treasurer of the CCSF Chinatown/North Beach Campus Associated Student Council.A treasurer plays a crucial role for the healthy operation and growth of an organization. I am prepared to invest my experience, knowledge, and passion to fulfill this responsible role.
Reasons for Candidacy
Since last spring, I have been studying at CCSF and am currently taking two ESL classes at the Chinatown Campus where I am learning English and American culture as well. When I participated in an event organized by the student council at Chinatown campus, I found it to be very enjoyable and I noticed that other students were also having a good time. Moreover, I realized how essential this student organization is for many students. This experience made me have the desire to become a part of the student council, contribute to the school's development, and collaborate with other student to support school improvement project and organize student events. I have previously been involved in organizing school festivals so have confidence in contributing to this kind of organizations that is operated by students. Additionally, working within the community college organization, where students come from diverse backgrounds and identities, provides me with an opportunity to gain new perspectives and knowledge, which I believe will enrich my life.
Experience and Qualifications
Before coming to the United States, I worked as a corporate worker in Japan for five years. There, I acquired fundamental knowledge of accounting and understood the importance of financial management in organizations. In pursuit of advancing my career, I obtained a bookkeeping qualification in 2019. While my practical experience may not be extensive, I have acquired the necessary accounting skills, such as expense management and budget planning, and aim to further enhance them in the future. Based on this, I am confident that I can appropriately manage and produce results in the treasurer tasks for the upcoming term.
Financial Transparency and Budget Management
I believe that financial transparency and responsibility are extremely important for an organization. A treasurer should ensure organizational trustworthiness and integrity through accurate and transparent financial reporting. I look forward to fulfilling my accounting duties, establishing a clear financial reporting system, and maintaining the financial soundness and transparency through regular meetings with the student council and faculty advisor.
Additionally, I believe that efficient resource allocation and budget management are essential for organizational success. To achieve optimal use of the budget and allocate resources for our Associated Student Council development, I will actively engage with students who plan an event and student club members, taking a multifaceted approach from a fair perspective. Additionally, I will review existing expenses and budget management and discuss potential cost reductions when necessary.
I promise to fulfill the role of treasurer with passion and commitment, always working towards financial management. I will strive to meet your trust by leveraging my experience, knowledge, and sense of responsibility.
Lastly, I believe in contributing to the prosperity and success of the school with my vision and goals. I sincerely ask for your support and cooperation.
Nanako Ito

Hello, I am Oscar Santiago, originally from Chile. I have resided in San Francisco for four years now. Since 2020, I have been enrolled in English classes at City College. I am pursuing the position of Secretary for the CCSF Chinatown/North Beach Campus Associated Student Council. The role of a secretary entails documenting the minutes of all meetings, managing records of Council correspondence, maintaining a list of active members, and overseeing publications and publicity related to the organization. Serving as a secretary in the AS Council will enable me to undertake various essential tasks.
Why I Want to be Secretary
I have been a part of CCSF for some time, primarily attending ESL classes. Upon learning about the student council, I began attending meetings and found it easy to engage with other students regarding campus matters. This inspired me to join and contribute. Having participated in school meetings and events previously, I have a basic understanding of the operations. Interacting with students from diverse backgrounds offers me the opportunity to acquire new knowledge. The prospect of being part of an organized group is exhilarating and drives me to evolve and enhance my professional skills for future challenges, being secretary will give me a great opportunity to learn new skills and contribute to the student community in different activities for city college but mainly for the students, because we will be their representatives before the different student centers.
My Experience
Before moving here, I worked at a technology company in Chile for twelve years, where I honed my communication, teamwork, and task execution skills. In 2015, I was promoted to project manager. In my most recent role, my team developed an innovative application for clients in Chile and Peru. Team collaboration simplifies tasks. My last position taught me the importance of time management, meticulous planning, documenting meetings and agreements, and communicating effectively with various departments. Working as a team is very important not only to meet objectives efficiently but also to learn from all team members. As secretary, I can apply these skills on the AS council to help the group achieve its goals. As secretary, I can support to our student community at city college chinatown/north beach campus
What I’ll Do as Secretary
I am excited to support the student council in its endeavors. I commit to fulfilling the responsibilities of the secretary role diligently. I am enthusiastic about being an active member of this community and contributing to its improvement. In my view, mastering a second language is not only a means of communication and connecting with diverse individuals globally, but it also presents a daily challenge for me. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to pursue education in my 40s. This position holds significant value for my personal and professional growth, as the knowledge and skills I acquire and refine will enable me to make a positive impact on society.
Oscar Santiago

My name is Alex Soldatenko, and I am running for the role of President of the ASC Downtown for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. As an immigrant living in the US for 1.5 years, I've faced challenges common to newcomers, such as feelings of overwhelm and isolation, a lack of confidence in my English skills, difficulties in job searching, limited understanding of cultural nuances, and uncertainty about my future.
Discovering ESL classes at CCSF was a turning point for me: it wasn't just about language, I found a supportive community and regained my voice. Inspired by this, I aim to ensure every student is heard and supported.
My vision is to continue foster a dynamic and supportive environment at the Downtown Center, where students of diverse backgrounds receive the necessary support to reach their personal, academic, and professional goals.
Over the last 1.5 years, I have been deeply engaged in campus life: serving as an ASC Downtown Senator and Ambassador, being a part of the Fun-Fun-Fun club's organizing team to foster a welcoming community through events, actively participating in outreach for the college-wide Leadership Fireside Chat, coordinating VOTP recruitment—a CCSF program aimed at developing career-related skills, and promoting awareness of various services available both within and outside the college to enhance student opportunities. Additionally, I volunteer with two non-profit organizations: one providing leadership education for those working on social impact projects, and another helping immigrants or individuals with career gaps build their career paths in the US.
I'm excited about the opportunity to apply my skills and experience in serving the Downtown Center community as the next ASC Downtown President. Thank you for considering my candidacy.
Hello fellow students,
I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of President at the John Adam Center. My name is Jialing(Chloe) Lian, and I am eager to share my journey with you.
I am originally from China, I began my CCSF experience in 2022 with ESL classes. The challenges of adjusting to a new language and culture were significant, but the support I received from my peers and instructors made all the difference.
During my time at CCSF, I have been actively involved in student government, serving as a senator at the Downtown Center and later as Vice President at JAD. These roles have provided me with valuable insights into the needs and aspirations of our students.
My major is nursing, and with eight years of work experience behind me, I have had the opportunity to develop a range of skills, including communication, leadership, and teamwork. I believe my experience can be valuable in fostering collaboration with students toward our goals.
As a candidate for President, I am driven by a passion to support and uplift my fellow students. I am committed to listening to your concerns and advocating for positive change within our community.
Thank you for considering me for this important role. I look forward to the opportunity to serve you and contribute to the continued success of CCSF.
My name is Taeko Tateno. I am originally from Tokyo, Japan.
I am a senior ESL student, and I have been a CCSF non-credit and credit student for
a while. I have served as an ambassador at CCSF Downtown Center since the fall
semester of 2022. I have been actively involved in a wide variety of student activities
over the last few years. Now, I would like to put my energy into John Adams Center so
that I can support the future medical providers that our community so greatly needs. I
recently learned that John Adams Center is focused on medical providers. This is an
interest and passion of mine, so I look forward to supporting the community of students
of the medical field.
I have a broad experience working in Tokyo in different occupations such as product
sales support in Sony Corporation, bilingual sales communications in a German
affiliated pharmaceutical company, apparel brand license coordinator in a French
brand affiliated company and others. Here in San Francisco, I have worked with
young international students who came here to live and study in different fields. As an
agent for the international students from Japan, assisted them with placement in
private residences, I-20 applications for student visas, matriculation in local diverse
areas of their home life, student life, and in their acculturation to the bay area colleges,
and visits to various necessary facilities. I was responsible for their overall wellbeing
with their new life here in the bay area, and I was also responsible for keeping the
overseas agency up to date about their progress. This varied experience will allow me
to work with students as they prepare for their professional life. My past professional work experience in Tokyo and San Francisco will probably help me contribute to the AS activities in John Adams Center.

Estimados estudiantes de CCSF,
Con un gran honor, estoy encantado de anunciar mi candidatura para Presidente del Consejo Estudiantil del Mission Center de CCSF para las elecciones de otoño del 2024. Nuestra campaña se basa en la promesa de celebrar todas las voces y apreciar la vibrante diversidad de nuestro cuerpo estudiantil. Me dedico a implementar estrategias inclusivas que garanticen el éxito y el bienestar de cada estudiante mientras cultivamos una comunidad comprometida y solidaria.
Mi trayectoria en CCSF ha sido un testimonio de crecimiento y transformación personal. Desde mis inicios en el Programa de Estudios de Transición hasta la aproximación de obtener mi título técnico y la vigente preparación para transferirme a una universidad de cuatro años, he obtenido conocimientos invaluables sobre nuestros desafíos y aspiraciones. Durante mis años como Vicepresidente del Consejo Estudiantil del Mission Center de CCSF, aprendí el inmenso impacto que otorga la capacidad de escuchar activamente y la urgencia de tomar acciones decisivas para impulsar un cambio significativo. Al ser bilingüe en español e inglés, me comprometo a cerrar las brechas y fomentar las conexiones entre nuestra diversa población estudiantil.
Imagínese un gobierno estudiantil transparente, conectado y responsable. Con su apoyo, podemos crear un entorno en el que florezca el crecimiento, se hagan realidad los sueños y cada estudiante se sienta empoderado para lograr y gozar de sus éxitos. El Mission Center de CCSF ya es el hogar de un tapiz diverso en talentos y culturas, con estudiantes determinados a lograr impresionantes tasas de finalización de certificados y títulos. Juntos, podemos mejorar aún más este panorama de apoyo.
Su voz es vital para nuestro viaje colectivo, y con su ayuda, seguiremos transformando el Mission Center de CCSF en un faro de oportunidad y éxito para todos. Únete a mí en esta inspiradora aventura y presta tu apoyo a mi campaña.
Les pido que estén atentos para más actualizaciones a medida que nos acercamos a las elecciones. Estoy anhelante por escuchar sus pensamientos y preguntas, estoy aquí para representarlos.
¡Gracias por su confianza y apoyo!
Con esperanza y entusiasmo,
Ronald González
Candidato a la Presidencia
Consejo Estudiantil del Mission Center de CCSF
P.D. Su voto en las elecciones de otoño de 2024 tiene el poder de dar forma a nuestro futuro.
¡Hagamos que cuente!
Dear CCSF Students,
It is with great honor that I announce my candidacy for President of the CCSF Mission Center Associated Student Council for the Fall 2024 elections. Our campaign stands on the promise of celebrating every voice and cherishing the vibrant diversity of our student body. I’m devoted to implementing inclusive strategies that guarantee success and well-being for every student while cultivating an engaged and supportive community.
My journey at CCSF has been a testament to personal growth and transformation. From initial steps in the Transitional Studies Program to pursuing my upcoming associate degree and preparing to transfer to a four-year institution, I’ve gained invaluable insights into our shared challenges and aspirations. During my years as Vice President of the Mission Center CCSF Associated Student Council, I learned the immense impact of active listening and the urgency of decisive action in driving meaningful change. Being bilingual in Spanish and English, I am committed to bridging gaps and fostering connections among our diverse student population.
Imagine a student government that is transparent, connected, and accountable. With your support, we can create an environment where growth flourishes, dreams are realized, and every student feels empowered to enjoy their success. The CCSF Mission Center is already home to a diverse tapestry of talents and cultures, with students determined to achieve impressive certificate and degree completion rates. Together, we can further enhance this supportive landscape.
Your voice is vital to our collective journey, and with your help, we will continue transforming the CCSF Mission Center into a beacon of opportunity and success for all. Join me in this inspiring venture and lend your support to my campaign.
Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the elections. I am eager to hear your thoughts and questions—I am here to represent you.
Thank you for your trust and support!
With hope and enthusiasm,
Ronald Gonzalez
Candidate for President
CCSF Mission Center Associated Student Council
P.S. Your vote in the Fall 2024 elections holds the power to shape our future. Let’s make it count!

I am a Mexican Tepaneca indigen. I studied Business Administration at City College. Seven years ago I immigrated to San Francisco for opportunities for my family. When I arrived I didn't know English and I didn't know the educational system here. City College of the Mission was the first place I enrolled and began learning English. Also, thanks to the City Dream program, I discovered I could continue studying. I am currently in the Puente program for transfer to the University. I want to be Vice president because I want to help my community. I want to give back the help I received and motivate more students to continue forward. I want to show that the Latino community is hard-working, fighting people and we can make positive changes in this country if we continue to educate ourselves. I am sharing with you an article from the newspaper where I had the opportunity to collaborate.

I am eager to join the student council because of my previous experience during the Covid-19 pandemic, where I actively supported students by helping them register for classes, attending City College meetings, and advocating for their needs. City College of San Francisco, particularly the Mission Campus, deserves to have its student’s voices heard. When I first started at Mission Campus, I was in level 1 non-credit classes, and through perseverance, I progressed to higher levels, eventually joining the TRS high school program. Now, as an AB540 student in my final year before transferring to a university, it would be an honor to represent our student community. With Mission Campus being home to many immigrant students, and my fluency in three languages, I am well equipped to support and advocate for them.

Hello Everyone! I'm Jenny Thach, and I'm excited to announce my candidacy for the position of President of the Associated Student Council of Ocean Campus. Since joining CCSF in the fall of 2023, I've been passionate about enhancing the student experience and contributing to the vibrant community here.
My journey at CCSF has been one of growth and dedication. In my first semester, I had the privilege of serving as a senator and a member of the Public Relations (PR) Committee. Through these roles, I gained invaluable experience in logistics management and promotional strategies. Building on this foundation, I was honored to be selected as the vice-chair of the PR Committee and also became a member of the Rules and Regulations (RnR) Committee starting Spring 2024. It allows me to deepen my involvement in student leadership and expand my impact on campus. In my capacity as a leader, I've led by example, ensuring that all committee members are well-versed in CCSF's branding guidelines and advocating for the effective management of office hours to maximize productivity and accessibility for students. Through collaboration and teamwork, I've helped shape policies and initiatives that reflect the needs and aspirations of our student community.
Looking ahead, I am eager to take on the role of President. My vision for the student council is rooted in inclusivity, diversity, and empowerment. I believe that every student deserves a voice and a seat at the table, and I am committed to ensuring that all voices are heard and valued in our decision-making processes. As President, I will work tirelessly to increase student participation on campus through a wide range of engaging events, activities, and initiatives. Whether it's organizing cultural festivals, academic workshops, or community service projects, I am dedicated to providing meaningful opportunities for students to connect, learn, and grow together.
Furthermore, I recognize the importance of collaboration and partnership in achieving our shared goals. I will actively seek out partnerships with campus centers, resources, and student organizations to bring innovative projects and learning opportunities to our campus. By leveraging our collective resources and expertise, we can create a more dynamic and enriching experience for all students.
In addition to fostering student engagement and collaboration, I am committed to addressing the concerns and needs of our student body in a proactive and responsive manner. I will establish clear protocols for obtaining feedback, evaluating concerns, and implementing effective solutions. Whether it's advocating for improved campus facilities, addressing safe public transportation challenges, or promoting sustainability initiatives, I will work tirelessly to ensure that the interests of students are at the forefront of our agenda. Beyond addressing immediate concerns, I am also committed to laying the groundwork for long-term success and sustainability. I will invest in the professional development of our student leaders, providing training, seeking mentorship, and support to help them grow and thrive in their roles. By building a strong foundation of leadership and teamwork, we can ensure the continued success and effectiveness of ASCO for years to come.
In brief, I believe in the power of inclusivity and diversity, and I am committed to ensuring that every student's voice is heard and valued in the student council. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve as President of the Associated Student Council of Ocean Campus. I am inspired by the potential of our student government to make a positive impact on campus and in the lives of our fellow students. Together, let's build a stronger, more inclusive, and vibrant community where every student has the opportunity to succeed and thrive. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to the journey ahead!

Hello, my name is Deion Chaudhary and I wish to become a Senator for ASCO. I am a Computer Science major at CCSF and I am 17 years old. The reason I am only 17 years old is because I skipped a grade when I was younger. I was born on the island of Fiji and came to the US when I was 3 years old. As someone who immigrated to the US and is younger than everyone else in my grade, I was hungry to make the most of the positions I was put in; however, I didn’t have the knowledge to realize what was available to me in my younger years. I believed that because I skipped a grade, I had an excuse not to branch out. I would only strive to be excellent with my GPA and nothing outside of school. As I have matured though, I began to seek outside opportunities. One branch that interested me was volunteering to help the people around me. I never went out and helped my community before, so I wanted to try it out because I thought it would be fulfilling.
I began involving myself in volunteering through different groups to help my community. I started to participate with San Francisco’s Korean Center Inc. and reached out to them so I could have a greater role in events that they were having. After discussions, I became a Social Media Volunteer for them at their events. I set up a TikTok page for them, recorded interviews, and edited videos for them. When I started to do this, I felt good and it gave me a purpose to integrate myself into the community. I felt motivated to participate in another part of my community. I joined the CCSF Club, Alpha Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter as the Fundraising Coordinator. Our mission is to give back to the college and overall city community through volunteering and my job is to organize fundraisers to raise money for club events. This role as an officer in AGS has given me a new sense of responsibility and made me grow professionally as a person and collaborator. As I have begun to participate more in the community and with people who share the same interests of connection, I have started to feel better about my actions and my identity. That is the reason why I wish to join ASCO.
I believe that I can make a positive contribution to the community if I were to join ASCO. The goal I wish to achieve as a Senator is to create an environment where ASCO has an active role in CCSF’s community. I feel that ASCO can foster a culture that motivates and energizes every student in this college to do what they are here to do. When I first entered this community college, I was lost, thinking, “What am I even doing here?”. With ASCO’s involvement, I believe that many students who feel like I did can feel a sense of purpose and belonging in this college. Things we can do for students are to host fun activities and support events as they are essential to provide to students so they feel integrated and not alone on their journey in this college. As someone who wasn’t involved in the community when I was younger and started to participate in it, I want to create a space where all students can feel motivated to involve themselves in the CCSF community. That is my motivation in running for Senator for ASCO and that is why you should vote for me. Thank you!

Hello CCSF students! My name is Sherry Duong, I am majoring in Business Administration, and I have been a CCSF student for almost 2 years now. I am running for office because I want to be able to make City College of San Francisco more lively for students to have more fun and be more active on campus instead of just focusing on school assignments.
Being in City College so far has made me realize that there is a lack of school spirit since students usually dip then dash out of classes and leave the college campus immediately. Speaking from experience here, in my first year at City College, every time I am in class, I would always wish to go home as soon as possible since I could not find anything fun or any spaces for me to make new friends and build connections.
However, it all changed once I started to join clubs. Thanks to them, I was able to make new friends, build connections, and still continue to do so today. Therefore, if I am in office, I will contribute by coming up with more fun events and more welcoming spaces for more students to participate in, so that their experiences in City College or in a community college in general will be better than expected. This will also help beat the stigma around community colleges, encouraging more future students to apply to become CCSF students. I do believe that having lively, fun spaces for students to participate in can help enrich the students’ experiences and mindsets, making them more eager to be in City College of San Francisco, which can then lead to motivating them to study harder for their classes.
Also, if I am in office, I will bring up concerns about the registration system errors since as someone who is an office assistant for CCSF Registration Office for almost 2 years now, I have encountered a lot of students that have had technical registration issues. I want to be able to help improve that area, so that students can have an easier time of registering for classes. I want to make sure that not only will students have a better experience here in City College of San Francisco, but also encounter no inconveniences before taking classes in City College.
Let’s go and make CCSF more lively, fun, and enjoyable to enrich all of us students’ experiences here!!!

I am running for CCSF senator due to my care of student life and activities, certain issues on campus for example student equity, mental health and other important issues, see what I can do to motivate more student engagement. I would do my best for my fellow students. I am a diverse, team player and Intersectional. I am sensitive to differences.

It is with great excitement and passion that I announce my candidacy for the position of senator. This opportunity to represent and serve the student body is not only a responsibility I am eager to undertake, but also a privilege I hold dear to my heart. My journey thus far, from serving as the president of the student council in Mongolia to my current role as secretary of the ASC Downtown Center, has shaped my understanding of the importance of student leadership and the transformative power it holds.
During my time in high school, I had the privilege of serving as the president of the student council for two years. This experience taught me valuable lessons in leadership, teamwork, and the significance of amplifying the voices of my peers. It was during this period that I witnessed the power of collective action and the immense impact we can have when we work together towards a common goal.
In addition to my role in the student council, I dedicated my time to volunteering at the Red Cross organization for two years. This experience opened my eyes to the social issues that our communities face and inspired me to take action. Through my volunteer work, I learned the importance of compassion, empathy, and the need to support those who are less fortunate. It reinforced my belief that a senator's role extends beyond the campus, and that we must actively participate in initiatives that uplift and empower our wider community.
In the academic year 2022-2023, I had the honor of serving as a senator at the Downtown Campus. This role allowed me to directly engage with my fellow students, listen to their concerns, and advocate for their needs. It was a transformative experience that further solidified my commitment to student leadership. Currently, as the secretary of the ASC Downtown Center, I am responsible for coordinating various events, ensuring smooth operations, and fostering an inclusive environment for all students. These experiences have equipped me with the necessary skills to effectively serve as a senator and contribute positively to the college community.
My journey at City College of San Francisco began with ESL level 1-4 non-credit classes. As a non-credit student, I faced numerous challenges, but these obstacles only strengthened my resolve to succeed. I understand firsthand the struggles that many students face, and this experience has made me a strong advocate for accessible education. As I progressed through the levels and eventually became a full-time student, I realized the importance of offering support and resources to all students, regardless of their background or starting point. My journey at CCSF has given me a unique perspective, enabling me to empathize with the diverse experiences of my fellow students and ensuring that their voices are heard.
Throughout my journey, I have come to understand the crucial role of a student leader. It is our responsibility to represent the interests of all students, to ensure they have the resources and support they need to thrive academically and personally. I am committed to fostering a safe and healthy environment that promotes growth, inclusivity, and intellectual exploration. I believe in the power of collaboration, transparency, and open communication to create positive change.
In conclusion, my experiences as the president of the student council, my involvement with the Red Cross organization, and my roles as a senator and secretary have prepared me to take on the responsibilities of a senator. My journey from non-credit ESL classes to a full-time student has given me a unique perspective on the challenges our students face, and I am passionate about advocating for their needs. I am eager to serve as a representative for the student body, to listen to their concerns, and to work tirelessly to create a better educational experience for all. Together, we can empower students and transform our community. Thank you for your consideration and support.
Having been a senator for the most recent fall and spring semesters, I've had my fair share of experience being able to represent my community by being a part of the council. From the public comments of concerns around the campus to big projects like the Frida Kahlo Quick Build Project, I was able to be involved in impactful discussions that allowed me to connect with fellow senators, vice presidents, and the community to come forth and bring a positive change on our campus. As I continue my commitment to serving our community, I am seeking re-election as a senator to advocate for my fellow students--bringing along the knowledge and experience from my previous participation.
Furthermore, I am motivated to build my experience and aspire to pursue the role of vice president/vice chair throughout my stay on the council. Building upon my insights from the Ocean Council, I aim to deepen the link between students and the council. Therefore, understanding student and their concerns about the education they receive and their experience is a top priority that I value. I want to be able to address these matters and collaborate with fellow council members to provide a proactive solution to the best of our abilities. I am dedicated to cultivating a supportive and inclusive campus that prioritizes the success of students along with their well-being.
Compiling my experiences throughout my journey as a senator, I have been able to witness firsthand how the council is able to make an impact on the community day by day, making the community thrive. Seeing our home flourish, fills me with a feeling of optimism for what is to come for the future generation of students. As we continue through the process of new senators and presidents, I am confident that those chosen will provide the council with fresh perspectives and energy to contribute to the growth of the Ocean campus. I am eager to work alongside them, fostering a sense of enthusiasm as we all share the common goal of joining together and bringing positive development to students, faculty, and the overall community.
To conclude, I am deeply committed to serving our community and am enthusiastic about the opportunity to continue representing my fellow students as a senator. By collaborating with others, innovating, and advocating for change, I am confident in our ability to make a meaningful and lasting impact on our campus.

Hello everybody, my name is Emily Iwata, and I am running for senator. I am a Business Administration major, and this is my second semester at City College of San Francisco. I was born and raised in San Francisco and went to George Washington High School. I am Chinese-Japanese American. I enjoy hiking, baking, and going out with my friends in my free time. In the future I plan to transfer to a four year college or university. I was inspired to run for senator since I want to make a difference in the campus community. While in high school, I was hesitant and always afraid to take a leap of faith and take on leadership roles in fear of failure. When I graduated high school, I realized that I had missed many opportunities to benefit from and grow as a person. Entering college, I knew that I wanted to take the leap of faith. I had been so afraid to do so to ensure I did not graduate from college, regretting what I did not do, I decided to run for senator.
In the past, I was part of the student council in middle school, and now, looking back, I realize the importance of a good council and its impact on the student body. Being on the council would be a fantastic opportunity and would help me grow as a person. While on the council, I could work with many different people with different views to improve our campus community. Unlike a four-year college where freshmen all lived in dorms and could easily connect with other students at CCSF, I found it hard to communicate with other students since, most of the time, classes never required you to interact with other students a lot, especially as an introverted student talking with new people was difficult. When I learned about Unity Day and all the clubs offered, I was able to join clubs that had interests similar to mine and meet new people not only in a classroom setting.
As a Senator, I want to connect with students so they can feel like they are a part of the campus community by making sure they find the right club for them. I also promise to be transparent and take accountability for my actions to be a good leader. I want to be a voice for those afraid to speak up and give them a chance to be heard. I will always listen to any student's concerns and suggestions and ensure that action is being taken to resolve any issues and is not ignored.
Any decisions I make would have the student body's interest at heart. I believe being a part of ASCO can have a meaningful impact on our student body. With your support, I am confident that I can make CCSF a place for learning and where every student can reach their full potential. I will work hard and am committed to doing right by the student body. Thank you for your time, and I hope to serve you on ASCO.

My name is Emily La and I am a first-year student at City College of San Francisco (CCSF). When I decided to enroll at CCSF, I knew I wanted to be actively engaged in the campus, clubs, and community. The first step I took was visiting the business center where an advisor connected me with club advisors. I expressed my interest in clubs like the Entrepreneurship Club as I am an entrepreneur with a custom art business. Subsequently, I went through an interview process which ultimately secured me the position of president.
Under my leadership, active club members increased by 80% while club awareness increased by 90%. As the club's director of marketing, I leveraged social media platforms such as Instagram, Discord, and the MyCCSF app to market events and engage with our club members. The Entrepreneurship Club proudly hosts a series of monthly workshops and panelist events where members can participate in Q&As with leading industry executives and CEOs. We have cultivated a supportive community where members gain and access knowledge from seasoned entrepreneurs.
Throughout my roles, I have learned the importance of communication and decisiveness in leadership. While I've encountered my fair share of challenges and made mistakes along the way, each experience has served as a valuable lesson in my personal and professional growth. I am running for senator because I believe it is the next step in my personal development and growth as a leader.
Currently, I serve as an intern for the Associated Student Council where I am an active participant in the public relations committee, campus enrichment committee, and general council meetings. Through consistent attendance at general council meetings, I have gained a thorough understanding of the procedural aspects and am eager to actively contribute to the ongoing efforts and initiatives of ASCO. In my role as a senator, my primary objective is to increase student engagement on campus. I aim to achieve this by prioritizing marketing and communication strategies that inspire and motivate students to actively participate in various aspects of campus life.
I am currently a marketing and office assistant at Lotus Bleu Interior Design Studio where I am in charge of updating social media platforms. Recently, I launched a new collection of pillows titled Amour by photographing and creating an individual web page for each pillow, which I then published on the Lotus Bleu website. On Instagram, I created, filmed, and posted marketing content such as posts, stories, and reels centered around the Amour collection. As a direct result of my marketing, there was a 100% increase in product sales. Given my experience as a marketing and office assistant at Lotus Bleu, I am confident that my skills and knowledge will be of great value. As senator, I will also apply my artistic abilities and experiences to the public relations and campus enrichment committee, to further outreach and ensure event success.
I am a proud CCSF ram who is eager to take proactive steps towards enhancing the CCSF experience and fostering a sense of belonging for my peers on campus. Running for ASCO senator is a testament to my passion for making a meaningful impact within our school community. With my skills and experience, I am confident in my ability to lead effectively and enact change. I will be a dedicated advocate for my peers, amplifying their voices and striving for positive transformation in the CCSF community. If granted the honor of being elected, I will commit to enhancing the community college experience of my fellow peers.

My name is Jordan Langdon, and I am proud to represent the LGBTQ student community at City College of San Francisco’s Ocean Campus in my bid for Ocean Campus Senator. My deep-seated passion lies in fostering a vibrant and inclusive school environment where every student can embrace their identity and feel a sense of belonging within our campus community. Through my candidacy for Student Council Senator, I aspire to drive positive change and advocate for greater diversity and acceptance across all facets of campus life.
Attending a conference last Fall granted me valuable insights from members of Associated Students, further fueling my drive to actively engage with our student body. As a familiar face on campus, I have had the privilege of interacting with current student council members, building connections that have enriched my understanding of student governance and the impact it can have on campus life. Over the past semester, as an active member of the campus community, I have had the privilege of engaging with various student council members, further igniting my commitment to contribute positively to our school's growth and prosperity. In my role as the Queer Resource Center Advocate with RCPU in Fall 2023, I honed my skills in supporting marginalized groups and promoting inclusivity within our college.
My decision to run for student council stems from a desire to ensure that every voice within our diverse community is heard and represented. By bridging gaps across different campus areas, I aim to enhance the overall student experience and contribute to a more cohesive educational environment for all. I aim to leverage my experiences and skills, including my academic pursuit in Child Development, as well as my professional background in leading student teams in after-school and camp settings. Beyond my academic pursuits in Child Development, my professional background working with children equips me with valuable leadership and mentorship skills that I am eager to bring to student government. Through managing student teams in various programs and providing peer tutoring, I have cultivated a passion for empowering others and fostering an environment conducive to growth and learning.
Participating in Executive Student Council Meetings has introduced me to inspiring individuals such as Heather, Mallinali, Hing Potter, and Amy Coffey, whose dedication to campus initiatives has further inspired my commitment to effecting positive change. As a prospective voice for our student body, I am dedicated to being approachable and accessible, ensuring that every student has a platform to express their ideas and concerns. I strive to collaborate with fellow student leaders, both within our campus and across community colleges statewide, to foster meaningful connections and exchange ideas that can drive progressive change in our educational community. I firmly believe that by building strong connections with fellow student leaders on campus and across other community colleges in the state, we can collectively work towards creating a more cohesive and supportive educational environment. Engaging with inspirational personalities like Heather, Mallinali, Hing Potter, and Amy Coffey during Executive Student Council Meetings has further reinforced my determination to be a catalyst for positive change.
In conclusion, I am determined to be a proactive advocate for inclusivity and positive transformation on our campus. I welcome the opportunity to connect with my peers, listen to their perspectives, and work collaboratively to create a more unified and inclusive campus environment. Your support and engagement are crucial in shaping the future of our college community, and I look forward to representing your voices with integrity and dedication. Your vote of unwavering support and active involvement are pivotal in shaping the trajectory of our college community, and I am eager to represent your voices with steadfast integrity and dedication. I wholeheartedly invite you to reach out and connect with me – together, we possess the capacity to effect tangible change on our collective journey towards a more inclusive and welcoming community.
Please feel free to reach out and connect with me – together, we can make a real difference in our school's journey towards a more inclusive and welcoming community.

Hello students of City College! My name is Vaughn LeDrew and I am running for senator of the Associated Student Government. Personally, I’m a first year CCSF student and San Francisco native. I grew up just blocks away from City College and attended Balboa High School, which is just down the street from City. I love the Bay Area, especially the neighborhood that CCSF resides in.
Academically, I am a Biology major, with the goal of transferring to a 4-year, University of California institution within the next 2 years. I am also the founder and current president of the Excursion Club here at CCSF. The Excursion Club is a student-led club whose goal is to connect the endless adventures of the outdoors with students here at City. Just this semester, we have gathered over 100 members, taken trips to Muir Woods and Pacifica, and organized group bonfires at Ocean Beach. Apart from being president of the Excursion Club, I also enjoy frequenting Rams sporting events and traveling around the Bay Area and beyond.
These experiences and interests make my goal as senator of the Associated Students simple, improving the social aspects of campus life here at City. As a school with tens of thousands of students it is astonishing to see the lack of campus life, involvement, and sociability between students. Many students show up to class and leave back to their home without much interaction with their fellow peers. This is not fully the fault of the students though, I believe that CCSF can do a better job getting students involved via outreach, special events, and wider access for student led clubs. Doing this is quite simple as CCSF already has the tools and means to generate large events as well as encourage involvement among students in clubs.
For instance, would it shock you to know that CCSF has 2 sports teams with over 13 combined state championships? Not only that, but both our basketball and football teams were ranked top 10 in the state. Both our football and basketball teams are wildly successful but students are not informed when they play or how often they do, nor are they encouraged to go. If elected as senator, I would work to make these games free for students and organize exciting, enjoyable events at these games. Sporting events are not the only area of campus life that could use improving though.
Our student-led clubs could also use a revamp. Clubs are not easy entities to create or run, I know from personal experience. If elected senator, I would work to create more support for current and new student-led clubs, allowing for the easy expansion of activities and groups at CCSF. The City College of San Francisco is a beautiful institution that provides so much opportunity for students, employees, and the community.
It would be an honor to be given the chance to be able to give back and help improve the college that has given me the chance to thrive and pursue my higher education. With this in mind, I, Vaughn LeDrew, please ask for your vote for senator of the Associated Student Government.
Hello Students of City College of San Francisco,
My name is Lilia Lei. I am Chinese American and a San Francisco native. This is my second semester at CCSF and I hope to leave an impact on the community before I transfer to a four-year institution. By running for senator, I will grow my leadership skills and help students at CCSF achieve their goals.
I tend to be awkward when speaking in front of others and I want to overcome it. Through being a senator, I want to take a step in improving my public speaking skills while using my voice to make a difference in my community. By using my voice, I can make an impact on the decisions being made at CCSF in hopes of helping the students at the Ocean campus.
I want to make CCSF a place that is inclusive for everyone by celebrating our differences and creating a welcoming environment. By listening to concerns and issues that arise, I will work hard to find solutions for them. The student government should be a place where opinions of students are heard and I hope to represent those opinions.
As a senator of Associated Students, I want to make the CCSF community a place where students can grow and work towards their passions. I am currently the treasurer of CCSF’s Entrepreneurship Club and an intern at Associated Students. Through my experience in participating in clubs and volunteering. I have gained skills like communication, attention to detail, organization, and adaptability. I hope to use these skills to expand opportunities available and make CCSF a better place for students.
Through my first semester at CCSF I noticed that there was not as much exposure for events from clubs and organizations. I hope to encourage more students to participate in events, and create more events for students to explore hobbies and interests as well as build new relationships. I plan to work with programs and resource centers at CCSF to create useful workshops for students. For example, a workshop teaching students about networking and building connections with their peers.
An issue I noticed after the pandemic was the rise of mental health concerns. I hope to promote the use of our health center and create a safe environment for students. I want to utilize my skills in attention to detail and adaptability to make sure every student is heard and their ideas will be represented during council meetings.
I believe I am a competitive candidate for senator because I am passionate about making a difference in my community. Through this opportunity, I can grow my leadership and public speaking skills, and help represent the student population. To create an inclusive community for everyone, I will listen to all concerns and issues from students and present them to the council. By utilizing the skills I have gained from past experiences, I will be able to make CCSF a better place with more opportunities, events and workshops for students.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to the opportunity to serve as a member of Associated Students.

Hi! I'm Tiffany, a freshman here at CCSF and I am running for Senator. I am majoring in Economics and Political Science and hope to transfer to a 4-year university. My experiences growing up in a low-income household and attending local public schools have emphasized the importance of community and helping others. I want to utilize my time at CCSF to grow as a person and student while impacting my community as much as possible. My time at ASC has been incredibly rewarding and I hope to continue working to advocate for students on our campus. I understand the challenges many of us face as students in a community college. If entrusted with the role of Senator, my goal is to amplify the voices of our diverse community, particularly those that are often overlooked, such as minorities and first-generation college students like myself.
Being part of a large institution like CCSF can be daunting, especially for newcomers and returning students. Every student deserves to have equal opportunities and have their voices heard. I am committed to ensuring every student feels valued and supported. Furthermore, I aspire to increase awareness about the resources available at CCSF. Whether it's through outreach events or utilizing social media platforms, I believe in making these resources more accessible to all students. CCSF has many programs and centers on campus that offer mentorships, mental health support, and academic support that students are unaware of. During my first semester at CCSF, I felt alone and had trouble finding my place on campus. Upon joining ASCO, I learned more about the opportunities CCSF has to offer and discovered my passion for advocacy. Having served as a senator on the council, I have honed my leadership skills and gained a stronger sense of the importance of community. Collaborating with diverse groups, I worked on practical solutions to enhance student life at CCSF. If elected, I will continue to tirelessly advocate for student opportunities, resources, and rights.
My experiences, including serving as a Senator and serving as Vice-Chair of the Rules and Regulations Committee, have equipped me with organizational skills, leadership experience, and effective communication. As a member of the Finance Committee, I developed an understanding of budgeting and allocating funds to essential resource centers and clubs, demonstrating my commitment to enhancing student experiences. Many students overlook the opportunities and support available within our CCSF community. As Treasurer of the Economics and Political Science club, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of student engagement. Clubs are a vital part of our school’s success and allow students to delve into their passions. As an ASCO senator, I am dedicated to ensuring that clubs feel fully supported and receive the essential funding needed to serve student interests effectively. I am passionate about ensuring that every student feels connected, supported, and engaged within our community. I hope to contribute to the many goals the Associated Students Council of Ocean Campus has and help in fostering an inclusive, accepting, and hard-working council.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Tiffany Liao

Hi CCSF student body! My name is Maya Mason, and I’ve decided to run for student government in order to support our community in providing, finding, and using all of the resources City College has to offer.
I have previous experience advocating for students' needs from high school, where I was a leader of the Financial Aid Affinity Space, Latinos Unidos, and in my last year, co-president. I’ve only been at City College for two semesters, but I’ve already met many amazing people in that short time.
Unfortunately, a problem most of my peers repeatedly run into is the lack of support CCSF appears to have across the board. Scheduling a time to meet with a counselor is an incredibly frustrating process. Finding clubs often times requires downloading an app most don’t know about (called MyCCSF by the way) and is rarely used by club leaders themselves. Where’s a good place to study on campus when the library closes at 4:45 most days? How are students supposed to afford all the books your classes assign, or lunch with expensive San Francisco prices? What jobs and internships are available to students, and how can City College support students in becoming more competitive applicants?
I hope as I say this, it doesn’t seem like I’m hating on our student and faculty leaders, or ignoring the work already being put in to address everything I’ve just mentioned. Frankly, most leaders on campus are overworked and underappreciated, and City College leaders have been and continue to provide solutions to these issues. The worry I have is that students are unaware of the resources out there to remedy many of these issues. There are a surprising number of students who don’t even know City College has identity-based resource centers (shout out to the wonderful Queer Resource Center, which offers free printing and a supportive group of folks that y’all should definitely check out).
My goals, if I’m elected, are to encourage students in utilizing the resources already available for the taking, support campus leaders in providing those resources, and advocate for more avenues of support for students. Let’s make more events like Unity Day that are bright, lively, and most importantly, visible for our community. Affordability is what I take the most pride in as a City College student. Free City is an amazing resource for San Francisco residents, but let’s promote and expand resources like the book vouchers that are offered each semester, SCUBE’s free lunch days, or discounts on public transit that are available for many eligible students. City College will be all better for it.

Hello everybody, my name is Ariel Mejia, and I am from Nicaragua. This Spring 2024 semester marks my first enrollment for credit courses at CCSF. I initially began my educational journey asan ESL Non-Credit student at the Downtown Center, where I not only honed my English language skills but also became deeply involved in student government. Currently, I proudly hold the position of Vice-President and Social Media Team Coordinator of the ASC Downtown for the 2023-2024 academic year. This period of service has been transformative, facilitating exponential personal growth and a deep commitment to community engagement and student support.
With a strong blend of intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence, alongside a natural
Drawing upon my extensive experience in student government, including organizing, planning, and executing events, I am dedicated to promoting the diverse opportunities that CCSF offers for connection and community building. Through my involvement in ASC Downtown, I gained valuable insights into students' needs for fostering connections and building a sense of community. Aspiring to join the Associated Students Council at Ocean Campus, I am committed to ensuring that student clubs receive the visibility and support they deserve. I am confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully to Ocean's team. Creativity is my forte, and I approach tasks with a methodical and artistic mindset. With a strong dedication to serving others, my involvement in student government provides me with a valuable platform to contribute to the community and refine my professionalism.
Involvement in student government demands more than a mere inclination to assist others; it requires dedicated effort and unwavering commitment. During my role as Vice-President of the Downtown Center, I cultivated effective and professional communication with various participants, including students, faculty, deans, staff, and administrators. Additionally, I took charge of planning and drafting meeting agendas in collaboration with the President and Faculty Advisor, and I maintained regular attendance at Executive Council meetings. Through these responsibilities, I learned the importance of nurturing strong interpersonal relationships while honing organizational skills to ensure tasks were completed in a timely manner.
In conclusion, my journey at CCSF has been one of growth, service, and dedication to the betterment of our community. As I aspire to take on the role of senator at Ocean Campus, I bring with me a wealth of experiences and deep readiness to serve the needs of our student body. With a strong foundation in clear communication, leadership, and creativity, I am eager to contribute to ASCO. I am grateful for the opportunity to represent and advocate for my fellow students, and I am committed to working diligently to ensure that their voices are heard and their needs are met, fostering growth, inclusivity, and success for all. Thank you for considering my candidacy!

Hi, my name is Tommy! I am in my second semester at CCSF and would like to run as a senator for various reasons. Put shortly, the three main reasons are the opportunities to connect with others, improve the campus, and improve myself. I believe becoming a part of the student council here is one of the best ways to achieve this.
Truthfully, I was not as involved in CCSF as I would have liked to be. Looking back, I wish I had participated in more clubs and taken the opportunity to get to know more people. However, this realization has fueled my determination to become more engaged and make a positive impact moving forward. I can relate to the students who felt rather lost coming into CCSF and hope to make their transition a little smoother if possible. I also want to share that I am not the most extroverted person. However, I see this as an opportunity for personal growth, especially as I transition into a professional career. I will likely always identify as an introvert, but I am committed to developing my public speaking skills and gaining more confidence in expressing myself. I believe that stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing new challenges by becoming a senator will ultimately help me become a more effective leader and advocate for other in the future.
While I do not have as much experience as my peers in working for a student council, I have experience as a TA for a Vietnamese learning program where I have worked with other staff to organize and facilitate various events. Through this role, I have gained a deep appreciation for the significance of connecting with students, like-minded peers, and the broader community. I have been able to witness many great leaders in work and the positive impact that they bring to the community. They are the kind of people I really look up to and hope to become more like. In addition, I generally work with younger kids, so I would like to think I have developed the necessary skills in flexibility, compassion, and patience. Becoming more involved in my Vietnamese community has taught me invaluable lessons, and joining the ASCO council is an opportunity that I eagerly hope to learn from as well. I also intend to start a club related to thrifting next fall alongside some others in hopes of creating a safe place where everyone is welcome. (Stay tuned for updates if interested!)
During my time here, I have noticed that student outreach and engagement are relatively lacking in CCSF. Even though I know many attending CCSF have busy lives, balancing work, family, and studies, I am still eager to contribute to building a stronger sense of school spirit. I have had the privilege of learning alongside students of various ages and ethnicities, and their commitment to education despite facing various challenges has earned my utmost respect. I believe I can help in making a positive impact in their educational endeavors by getting involved in the group that makes important decisions for all of us as students. If elected, I promise to fairly advocate for student needs and ensure that I fulfill all my responsibilities to the best of my abilities. Thank you for taking the time to read this and considering me!

Greetings, my fellow students. I am currently an international student, one among the masses of students walking around the campus daily, who sometimes forget to remember that our voices not only matter but are appreciated. And it’s only fair that we forget. We are all grappling with our issues, while making time for classes, also trying to navigate through the sea of resources that CCSF has to offer, yet are dispersed. Trust me when I say I have had more than my fair share of problems as a first-semester freshman, having to wade through the vast campus, alone and clueless. I believe that has ingrained in me the kind of empathy that can relate to common problems students face regardless of their backgrounds or beginnings.
Halfway into the semester, I now find myself working at the registration center, helping out my fellow students. I’m happy I got to save them the troubles and errors that I myself and a lot other students go through and spare them anxieties that might arise. It didn’t take long to realize that my help would be limited to the time I could work in the office and that there was no better place to leverage my impact than the Associated Student Council itself. I’m more than thrilled by the prospect of like-minded student advocates with their focuses concentrated and their impact being multiplied by collective will and efforts towards entire student population. I’d like to work towards campus-wide solutions to strip away common issues and inconveniences that we regularly face. Beyond this, I’d love to work towards making the campus more lively and thriving because, after all, most of us are in our 20s or about to be and our time on campus in CCSF should be part of the time of our life.
On a side note, I must also unashamedly admit that my motivations also stem from the need to connect better with my fellow students and to expand my network beyond my classmates. In this light, I better spend my time trying to connect not just myself with others but all students with all their fellow students on campus, in and out of the classrooms. I would also love to work to amp up the college spirit.
I may not be the best candidate for these aforementioned monumental tasks but I’m willing to go the distance. I’m willing to not just do my best but do what it takes to reach the stated goals. There’s a high chance that these goals are nowhere near being materialized during my term in the office, if elected. And yes, I get it; good things take time and I promise I will at least be able to plant the seed for progress that our posterity can carry on.
Dear fellow students, Thank you for making it this far. I am Aung Khant, a (biomedical) engineering student, a former medical student back in my country, with extensive experience in teaching and administration and leading a charity club through Covid-19 second and third waves.

Hi, my name is Zhan Ulankalyi, an international student from Kyrgyzstan and this is my 3rd semester at City College of San Francisco. I'm majoring in Computer Science and planning on transferring to a four-year university. I am running for the senator position to actively represent and advocate for the diverse needs and ideas of our students. As a worker at the Assessment Center of our college, I've noticed that a lot of our students don't know how to create the best path, to reach their educational and life goals. Most of the time, some of our students don't even know, where they can get help and support. So as a senator, I would like to do my best, to help our beloved students in achieving all of their goals and dreams. Unfortunately, some of our students also feel disconnected from others and find it hard to socialize with others. Breaking those walls between students is probably my main goal.
One of my main cultural shocks here was the lack of unity and bonds among the students. In my first semester here, at CCSF, I was struck when I saw that most of the students that are having classes together don't even try to build a connection with each other and leave the campus as soon as possible. Nobody is excited about finding new friends with the same goals, interests, and dreams. To be honest, it kinda feels depressing. I believe, that together we can make our school a better place for everyone. Having a connection with other people is essential. Last summer 2023, due to some circumstances, I was kicked out from the apartment where I was living, and I became homeless for 3 weeks. Fortunately for me, I had some time to find great friends who helped me out during my darkest time here. One of the people that helped me was my classmate from math class and I'm very happy that I met him. In my opinion, there are a lot of good people among our students, that can become life-long friends.
Another cultural shock that I experienced here, was the diversity among the students. As a foreigner, from a small country in the middle of Central Asia, I mostly grow up among people with the same cultural life. But here, the amount of opportunities to find out something new about other cultures is amazing. In my opinion, our college must be a place, where everybody feels welcome. Sharing something about your culture, and childhood can be very interesting to other people, who might have a dream to visit your country one day.
We all are very different from each other and I think that's great. Some of you might think, that it's best to be with people, that are similar to you, but it's not always the case. It might be the most comfortable, but not the best. Learning something new about each other might be very exciting and interesting. I think that helping out and looking after each other is a sign of kindness and if most of us will show this kindness, our student life at CCSF actually might become very joyful and full of happiness. I'm very passionate about this and I hope that all of us will work together to build a great community at CCSF.

As an international student from Indonesia, who has a dream of transferring into a four-year university, I am running for senator position because I believe that being involved in college leadership gives me the opportunity to make a positive impact on campus and represent the concerns and interests of my fellow student and gives out the opportunity to improve the campus, as I believe that there’s always room for improvement to make CCSF one of the best communities out there.
I’ve always wanted to do something like this in high school but I didn’t get the chance to. One of the reasons was because I was just too scared or too shy to do something like this. When I moved here, I realized that it’s time for me to change. To overcome my fears and improve my leadership skills. I’m willing and ready to be part of this community. I’m here ready to grow as a person, to be a leader and to be a learner.
If I were elected to be a senator, one thing that I would love to do is to make sure that everyone gets their opportunity that they need from CCSF. As a second semester student at city, I’ve realized that the campus doesn’t really provide enough fun campus activities or clubs that everyone might be interested in. If I had the opportunity to serve as a senator, I would love to change that and be able to make sure that everyone gets to be involved in something that they love in college. I want to play a role in shaping students' success and students' passion.
Another thing that I would love to do if I were elected to be a senator is to make everyone feel loved and welcomed in our community especially for the LGBTQ community. Even though i’m not a part of the LGBTQ community, I’ve realized that there are no fun events specifically for them and I would like to change that. If I were a senator, I would love to make fun events to acknowledge and appreciate them for being who they are. I want them to feel welcomed, loved and accepted in our community, everyone should deserve to feel that way. No one should ever feel alone.
Back in high school, I had the opportunity to lead a group where we focused on raising awareness for breast cancer. I believe that by having that opportunity, I’m the right fit to be part of this great community. I had the opportunity to make informed and timely decisions and consider different perspectives. I was able to convey ideas clearly and listen actively to others and I knew exactly my vision for that group that I was leading to work towards that vision.
Choose me if you want change and improvement for our community. I will communicate effectively, listen to the needs and concerns of the team, and am ready to provide guidance and support. Being a leader isn't just about being in charge. It's about looking after the people we lead. As leaders, our main responsibility is to take care of those who are responsible for getting the job done. We're not only accountable for the final results, but also for the well-being and success of our team members.