2001 San Francisco Proposition A, 2005 San Francisco Proposition A, and 2020 San Francisco Proposition A were passed under the rules of 2000 Statewide Proposition 39, which directs that the Board of Trustees appoint a Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) to monitor bond expenditures. The organization and conduct of the CBOC is laid out in the CBOC By-laws, which are approved by the Board of Trustees.
This Committee is responsible for reviewing expenditures related to the District’s $195,000,000 general obligation bond, Proposition A, approved by the voters on November 6, 2001; and $243,600,000 general obligation bond, Proposition A, approved by the voters on November 8, 2005; and $845,000,000 general obligation bond, Proposition A, approved by the voters on March 3, 2020.
The Committee meets at least four times a year as outlined in their bylaws. Members have the opportunity to tour recently completed projects and project sites in construction. Committee members receive information and updates on bond-funded projects in progress throughout the District. The Committee produces an Annual Report to the Community, providing information about the District's bond-funded projects and conformance of financial expenditures with the voter-approved ballot measures.
Members serve two‐year terms and are allowed to serve up to 3 consecutive terms.
Application for Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee
Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board through the following process: (a) the District will advertise in the local newspapers, on its website, and in other customary forums, as well as solicit appropriate local groups for applications; (b) the Chancellor, or the Chancellor's designee will review the applications; and (c) the Chancellor will make recommendations to the Board.
Name | Position | Term Expires |
Linda Fadeke Richardson | Business Organization Member | September 29, 2025 |
Tina Martin | Senior Citizens' Organization Member | December 5, 2026 |
Christine Hanson | At-Large Member | September 29, 2025 |
Thomas Havey | At-Large Member | September 29, 2025 |
Chineseman Lai | Student | January 26, 2027 |
TBD | Bona Fide Taxpayers' Organization Member | |
TBD | College Support Organization (Foundation) Member |