2001 Proposition A

In 2001, the voters of the San Francisco Community College District approved Proposition A, a $195 million bond measure. Under the ballot measure approved, the District was authorized to use the proceeds to: eliminate portable buildings; improve disabled accessibility; complete the creation of a technology network; and build/complete new campuses in the Mission and Chinatown/North Beach neighborhoods.


  • Seismic retrofitting of the campus facility at 1400 Evans
  • Construction of new classroom/laboratory facilities to replace out- dated, unhealthy, and unsafe bungalows at the Phelan Campus
  • Completion of the district-wide computer technology network
  • Construction of a new academic facility to provide for expanded child care services and training opportunities in the areas of Child Development, Community Health Care, and Teacher Training at the Phelan Campus
  • Renovation and remodeling of all district-owned facilities including safety issues, building systems, building surfaces, and configurations, and improved access for the disabled at all District-owned facilities
  • Acquisition of a parcel for inclusion within the Phelan Campus
  • Construction of new campus facilities for the Mission and Chinatown/North Beach neighborhoods to replace outdated and leased facilities
  • Construction of a Community Health and Wellness Center and Community Cultural Performing and Media Arts facility at the Phelan Campus, and improvements in the infrastructure of the Balboa Reservoir to prepare it for College use and thereby relieve crowded and outdated facilities at the Phelan campus

2005 Proposition A

In 2005, the voters of the San Francisco Community College District approved Proposition A, a $246.3 million bond measure. Under the ballot measure approved, the District was authorized to use the proceeds to: provide for capital improvements including increasing student access to advanced computer technology and bio/stem cell technology, renovating classrooms, building new facilities for upper-division classes, neighborhood classes and the performing arts.


Computer Network/Energy Conservation

Phase II of Technology Infrastructure Project to expand intercampus communication systems in support of enhanced learning opportunities and improved energy conservation and cost savings.

Advanced Technology & Bio/Stem Cell Technology Learning Center

Construct new facility and associated infrastructure on the Ocean Avenue Campus with classroom, laboratory and related space to support Engineering, Design/Graphics, Computer, Bio/Stem Cell Technology Training Programs.

Joint Use Facility

Construct new facility and associated infrastructure on the Ocean Avenue Campus with classroom, laboratory and related space to provide opportunities for San Francisco Community College District to offer courses jointly with San Francisco State University allowing students to complete both the Associate and Bachelor degrees in Teacher Education, Health Care, and Child Development.

Renovation/Remodeling/ADA Access/Child Care

Work at all district facilities would include projects to renovate and modernize the District's aging facilities and to improve disability access, meet seismic standards, and improve child care facilities.

Performing Arts Center

Construct new building and associated infra- structure on the Ocean Avenue Campus to pro- vide new classroom, laboratory, practice/performance and related facilities to support expanded enrollment and improved learning opportunities in the areas of music, theatre arts, film, and related technologies.

Mission Campus

Complete the construction and equipping of the new campus facility as well as to provide for high quality equipment, and to address increased costs associated with inflation, particularly related to building materials (concrete and steel).

Chinatown Campus

Complete the construction and equipping of a new and expanded campus, and address increased costs associated with inflation, particularly related to building materials (concrete and steel).

New Student Development Center

Construct new building and associated infra- structure on the Ocean Avenue Campus to pro- vide for the consolidation of student services (admissions, registration, financial aid, matriculation, counseling, advising, and career planning) in a one-stop service center for all students.

John Adams Campus Upgrade

Phase II of the re-construction of the 94-year old campus, including seismic work and related renovations and upgrades.

2020 Proposition A

In 2020, the voters of the San Francisco Community College District approved Proposition A, a $845 million bond measure. Under the ballot measure approved, the District was authorized to use the proceeds to: fix/repair City College facilities; make necessary seismic retrofit/earthquake safety improvements; make the College more environmentally sustainable through energy efficient buildings/increased renewable energy use; and acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites/equipment to prepare students for well-paid, local science, technology, and arts related jobs.

Proposition A – 2020 Master Bond Project List (BOT Approved 9/24/2020)

Proposition A – 2020 Master Bond Project List Revision (BLR) #1 (BOT Approved 8-25-2022)

Proposition A - 2020 Master Bond Project List Revision (BLR) #2 (BOT Approved 12-22-2022)

Proposition A - 2020 Master Bond Project List Revision (BLR) #3 (BOT Approved 5-30-2024)