Intro to Entrepreneurship

A practical and experience-centric approach to entrepreneurship. This practice-based method focuses on nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset and skill set and equips students with tools to bring one�s ideas from concept to launch. The course promotes active learning and engagement with the realities of entrepreneurship, encouraging entrepreneurial thinking beyond just learning the concepts of planning, funding, pitching, and marketing creative ideas.

Financial Accounting

Introduction to accounting information system and recording and reporting of business transactions with a focus on the accounting cycle, terminology, application of basic principles and theories, classified financial statements and statement analysis for decision makers. The course includes balance sheet valuations, revenue/expense recognition, and cash flows.

Financial Accounting

Introduction to accounting information system and recording and reporting of business transactions with a focus on the accounting cycle, terminology, application of basic principles and theories, classified financial statements and statement analysis for decision makers. The course includes balance sheet valuations, revenue/expense recognition, and cash flows.

Financial Accounting

Introduction to accounting information system and recording and reporting of business transactions with a focus on the accounting cycle, terminology, application of basic principles and theories, classified financial statements and statement analysis for decision makers. The course includes balance sheet valuations, revenue/expense recognition, and cash flows.