Social Media Marketing

This course is designed to build students� social media marketing skills by working on projects that give students hands on experience implementing social media marketing campaigns and strategies. Topics include integrating targeted social media platforms into a marketing plan, creating social media marketing campaigns, and measuring the success of campaign efforts. Upon completion, students will be able leverage and integrate social media to promote products, services and brands.

Introduction to Marketing

Introduction to the concepts, analyses, and activities that comprise marketing management, and to provide practice in assessing and solving marketing problems. A foundation for advanced electives in Marketing as well as other business/social disciplines. Topics include marketing strategy, customer behavior, segmentation, market research, product management, pricing, promotion, sales force management, and competitive analysis.

Organizational Leadership

This course explores collaborative and inclusive leadership and management styles along with the vision and values needed to effectively lead successful organizations. Examines strategies for developing and encouraging skills that enable leaders and managers to succeed in business, government, nonprofits, education, and community-based organizations.

Communications for Bus. Mgmt.

Students will learn concepts, strategies, and models to help improve communication skills. This course encompasses topics such as cultural diversity, critical thinking, ethical communication, listening skills, communicating in managerial and leadership roles, managing conflicts, communicating in teams and groups, technology in communication, and public presentations. Students will understand the importance of effective communication in the workplace.

Computer Keyboarding

This is a beginning level keyboarding course designed to build effective keyboarding skills with an emphasis on building correct touch-typing techniques for alphanumeric, symbol, and punctuation keys. A foundation for keyboarding speed and accuracy is developed and proofreader's marks are introduced. Successful completion of this class results in a minimum keyboarding speed of 20 net words per minute on a five-minute timed writing with 90% accuracy.

Computer Keyboarding

This is a beginning level keyboarding course designed to build effective keyboarding skills with an emphasis on building correct touch-typing techniques for alphanumeric, symbol, and punctuation keys. A foundation for keyboarding speed and accuracy is developed and proofreader's marks are introduced. Successful completion of this class results in a minimum keyboarding speed of 20 net words per minute on a five-minute timed writing with 90% accuracy.

Website Builder

This course will provide students with an overview of webpage development using drag and drop website builders. Assignments will focus on online website builders, cloud-based productivity tools, and software applications available to users as and when needed for specific temporary projects, known or unexpected business workloads, and portfolio development.