Health Unit Coordinator

Instruction in core concepts required for certification as health unit coordinator. Health care environments, roles and responsibilities of unit coordinator, ethical issues; medical terminology; communication systems; medical transcription; patient medical record maintenance; processing orders, and professional communications within the health unit.

Phlebotomy Technician

Theoretical knowledge and skills competencies necessary to meet California regulatory requirements for phlebotomy technicians. Emphasis on phlebotomy techniques, equipment, medical/legal considerations, safety, infection control, specimen collection and handling, patient preparation and patient care. Course prepares student to take the CPT-1 examination.

Paramedic Field Internship

Capstone field internship with a paramedic preceptor on an ambulance for evaluation of baseline competency as safe, entry level paramedic pursuant to national and state standards and regulations in the emergency medical services (EMS) professions. Course completes with a review of terminal competency requirements, exit examinations and medical director review of student competency as a safe, entry level paramedic. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of unpaid or paid work.

Intro to EMS

Introduction to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) including the history of EMS development, medical legal issues in emergency care, health and safety of the paramedic, principles of EMS research, procedural skills of patient assessment, and advanced airway management.

EMT Prep I

Explores the knowledge and skills of basic Emergency Medical Services workers. Content introduces skills of the basic Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) including history of EMS and foundations of prehospital care. The first of two classes that prepares students to enter an EMT program.