Plastic Camera Photography

An exploration of creating photographic images with plastic/toy cameras. Students will learn the differences between various models of plastic cameras, how to modify their cameras for optimum results, color and black and white films, working with limited exposure controls and both natural light and flash. The history of plastic cameras and examples of many artists' work in the medium will also be covered.

Pinhole Photography

An in-depth exploration of the photographic image created through the design, construction, and use of pinhole cameras. Students will experiment with paper negatives, litho film, conventional black and white film, and contact printing methods. Demonstrations and hands-on experience and field work are emphasized.

Environmental Portraiture

An introduction to photographing people in their own environments with an emphasis on creating powerful portraits while working with and highlighting their personalities. Use of available indoor and outdoor light in multiple combinations as well as basic lighting modifers. Working successfully with subjects.

Landscape Photography

Techniques leading to a creative treatment of landscape photography using film or digital media. Illustrated lectures of important historical and contemporary image-makers. Emphasis on photographic fieldwork, interpretive lighting, design, camera technique, post production processing, and filtration to support personal vision and conceptual ideas.

Self Portraiture

This course explores the challenges and benefits associated with photographing oneself. Public versus private portraiture is thoroughly examined. Emphasis is placed on the study and application of North Light specifically as it applies to dimensional devices.


This course focuses on what students need to know to shoot, process and deliver images with their iPhone as a compliment to their professional photography practice. The iPhone�s basic and advanced camera controls, applications for shooting and processing images, and the principles to capture and share images with this mobile device will be explored. The course includes lab time to work on images.

Lightroom 1: Library & Develop

Focus is on the fundamentals of Adobe Lightroom's Library and Develop Module and instruction on how to professionally develop and organize digital images. Setup, workflow, organization, image management, rating, editing, non-destructive image processing, and delivery of images regardless of output type will be explored. The course includes open lab time to work on images.

Beginning B/W Photography

Focus is on the fundamentals of film camera operation, black & white film processing and darkroom printing. Foundations of aesthetics and composition for black and white film image-making will be explored. The course includes open lab time to process and print black and white film.