Ethnic Politics in the United States

This course surveys the role of race and ethnicity in American politics. Theories of race and identity, and political experiences and power patterns in U.S. politics are explored through political science approaches by African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino/Hispanic Americans, European Americans, Indigenous/First Nation Americans, and Multiracial Americans.

Comparative Government

A comparative study of the constitutional principles, governmental institutions, and political problems of selected governments. This course is designed to introduce students to the central themes of comparative politics. This includes discussions of methodology, the nature of the state, political culture, democracy and political and economic development.

American Government

Introduction to United States and California government and politics, including constitutions, political institutions and processes, and political actors. Examination of political behavior, political ideas, and public policy.

Family Law

This course covers the tasks associated with family formation and dissolution as well as the laws affecting diverse family structures in today's society.