Design Drawing Techniques

Quick sketching methods for ideation and visual problem solving for designers, animators, illustrators and makers. Terminology, techniques and conventions of rapid visualization are covered, with hands-on practice with line, shape, form, perspective, lighting, shade and shadow.

History of Graphic Design

A study of the development of visual communication in art, graphic design, illustration and popular culture from the prehistory to the present. The influence of political, social technological and commercial forces will be discussed and analyzed, with an emphasis on the use and interpretation of imagery, symbols, and type in design.

Visual Media Digital Skills

A foundational hands-on Mac computer class for all Visual Media Design students. Topics of instruction will include computer hardware and OS software, networks, type and text formatting, raster and vector graphics, time-based media, layout for print and web, and best practices. Topics will be covered through lecture and practical exercises.

Design Fundamentals

Foundational design course, covering the theories, processes, vocabulary, and techniques common to visual design disciplines. Students will develop and apply their knowledge through analysis, critique and individual and collaborative exercises and projects.