Study in One of the Nation's Largest Two-Year Physics Departments
The CCSF physics department currently offers over 30 sections serving over 1200 students per semester. Only 3% of Two year College Physics departments offer more than 16 sections of courses. Our students travel from all over the Bay Area, as well as all over the world, to take advantage of our full-service physics program.
About the Physics Programs
We offer the majority of our classes at the Ocean Campus but also support physics classes at the Chinatown/North Beach, Mission Campus, South East Campus, and Online.
Associate of Science in Physics
The Associate in Science in Physics will provide you a broad background in fundamental physics and prepare you to transfer to California State University, University of California, and other universities for career paths in high tech research, engineering, and education.
Learn More About the Physics AS Degree
Complete GE and Prerequisites
Many of our courses can be used to satisfy general education requirements, as preparation for the Diagnostic Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy programs. Additionally, our lower-division physics coursework will help you prepare for transfer to the university to pursue majors in physics, astrophysics, astronomy, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, materials science and engineering, industrial engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, civil engineering and operations research, bioengineering, integrative biology, molecular environmental biology, molecular and cell biology, environmental sciences, chemistry, chemical biology, earth and planetary science, atmospheric and oceanic sciences, and architecture.

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Nobel Prize in Physics 2024
October 8, 2024
CNN — The 2024 Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton for their fundamental discoveries in machine learning, which paved the way for how artificial intelligence is used today.
Two pioneers of artificial intelligence — John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton — won the Nobel Prize in physics Tuesday for helping create the building blocks of machine learning that is revolutionizing the way we work and live but also creates new threats for humanity.
Nobel Prize in Physics Awarded for Breakthroughs in Machine Learning
The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics was given to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton for development of techniques that laid the foundation for revolutionary advances in artificial intelligence