

PHYC 2A, Introductory Physics I
Lec-52.5 Lab-17.5

PREREQ: MATH 95 ADVISE: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 2AL and PHYC 41

First course in a two-semester sequence required of most premedical, biology, veterinary, physical therapy, and architecture degrees. Core topics include kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, momentum, rotations, simple harmonic motion, fluids, heat, and thermodynamics.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

Formerly "Introductory Physics." Required of premedical, biology, and some architecture students.

PHYC 2B, Introductory Physics II
Lec-52.5 Lab-17.5

PREREQ: PHYC 2A ADVISE: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 2BL

Second course in an algebra/trigonometry-based two semester sequence. Core topics include electricity & magnetism, light, and selected topics in modem physics.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

Formerly "Introductory Physics." Required of premedical, biology, and some architecture students.

PHYC 4A, Classical Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers
Lec-52.5 Lab-17.5

PREREQ: MATH 110A ADVISE: PHYC 41 or high school physics; Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 4AL and MATH 110B

This is the first course in a calculus-based four-semester sequence. Core topics include kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotation, gravitation, oscillations, and fluids.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

Required of physics, chemistry, and engineering majors planning to transfer to University of California, Berkeley or into other engineering or physical science transfer programs.

PHYC 4B, Electromagnetism for Scientists and Engineers
Lec-52.5 Lab-17.5

PREREQ: PHYC 4A and MATH 110B ADVISE: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 4BL and MATH 110C

This is the second course in a calculus-based four-semester sequence. Core topics include electric and magnetic fields, electric potential, capacitance, resistance, inductance, DC and AC circuits, and Maxwell's Equations.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

Required of physics, chemistry, and engineering majors planning to transfer to University of California, Berkeley or into other engineering or physical science transfer programs.

PHYC 4C, Waves and Thermodynamics for Scientists and Engineers
Lec-52.5 Lab-17.5

PREREQ: PHYC 4B and MATH 110C ADVISE: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 4CL

This is the third course in a calculus-based four-semester sequence. Core topics include mechanical, sound and light waves; geometrical and physical optics; and thermodynamics.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

Required of physics, chemistry, and engineering majors planning to transfer to University of California, Berkeley or into other engineering or physical science transfer programs.

PHYC 4D, Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Lec-52.5 Lab-17.5

PREREQ.: PHYC 4B COREQ.: (MATH 120 and MATH 125) or MATH 130 ADVISE: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 4C and PHYC 4CL

This is the fourth course in a calculus-based four semester sequence. Core topics include special relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic physics and solid state physics.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

Required of physics, chemistry, and engineering majors planning to transfer to the University of California, Berkeley, or into other engineering or physical science transfer programs.

PHYC 10, Conceptual Physics

ADVISE: Elementary algebra or higher

An overview of physics. Content is taught at a conceptual level using basic math such as ratios, square roots, scientific notation, graph interpretation, slope and simple algebra. Topics include mechanics, properties of matter, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, light, and nuclear physics.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable
PHYC 10L, Conceptual Physics Laboratory

PREREQ: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 10

A laboratory course covering basic concepts in physics. Core topics include mechanics, energy, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, light, and nuclear physics.

Units: 1
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable
PHYC 20, Physics of Sports

ADVISE: Elementary algebra or higher

Conceptual physics taught within the context of sports including football, baseball,
soccer, cycling, and tennis. Content is taught at an introductory level using basic math
such as vectors, ratios, square roots, and algebra. Topics include Newton's laws,
projectile and rotational motion, momentum, energy, and aerodynamics.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable
PHYC 2AC, Introductory Physics I-Calculus Supplement

PREREQ: MATH 100A or MATH 110A or placement in MATH 100B or 110B; Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 2A

PHYC 2AC expands on topics covered in PHYC 2A, with applications of calculus to problems in physics. Together with PHYC 2A and 2AL, PHYC 2AC may meet lower division requirements for life science majors at various universities.

Units: 0.5
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

Formerly Introductory Physics-Calculus Supplement

PHYC 2AL, Introductory Physics Laboratory I

PREREQ: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 2A ADVISE: PHYC 41

First laboratory course in an algebra-based two semester sequence. Core topics include experiments in kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotation, oscillations, fluids, and thermodynamics.

Units: 1
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

Formerly Introductory Physics Laboratory Required of premedical, biology, and some architecture students.

PHYC 2BC, Introductory Physics II-Calculus Supplement

PREREQ: PHYC 2AC and PHYC 2A; Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 2B

PHYC 2BC expands on topics covered in PHYC 2B with applications of calculus to problems in physics. Together with PHYC 2B and 2BL, PHYC 2BC may meet lower division requirements for life science majors at various universities.

Units: 0.5
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

Formerly Intro Physics-Calculus Suppl

PHYC 2BL, Introductory Physics Laboratory II

PREREQ: PHYC 2A and PHYC 2AL; Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 2B

Second laboratory course in an algebra-based two semester sequence. Core topics include experiments in electricity, magnetism, electric circuits, and optics.

Units: 1
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

Formerly Introductory Physics Laboratory Required of premedical, biology, and architecture students

PHYC 41, Preparatory Physics

PREREQ: (MATH 90 and MATH 95) or (MATH 92 and MATH 95) or placement in MATH 110A ADVISE: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: MATH 110A

A single semester course emphasizing concepts and problem solving in kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotational motion and electricity. This course is intended to prepare students to take a college-level, problem-solving physics course using calculus.

Units: 3
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable
PHYC 4AL, Mechanics Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers

PREREQ: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 4A

First laboratory course in a calculus-based four-semester sequence. Core topics include experiments in kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotation, and oscillations.

Units: 1
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

C-ID PHYS 205 (PHYC4A + 4AL); C-ID PHYS 200S (PHYC 4A + 4AL + 4B + 4BL + 4C + 4CL + 4D + 4DL)

PHYC 4BL, Electromagnetism Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers

PREREQ: PHYC 4AL; Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 4B

Second laboratory course in a calculus-based four-semester sequence covering the topics of electricity and magnetism.

Units: 1
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

C-ID PHYS 210 (PHYC4B + 4BL); C-ID PHYS 200S (PHYC 4A + 4AL+ 4B + 4BL +4C + 4CL + 4D + 4DL)

PHYC 4CL, Waves and Thermodynamics Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers

PREREQ: PHYC 4BL; Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 4C

Third laboratory course in a calculus-based four-semester sequence. Core topics include experiments in sound, waves, electrical oscillations, thermodynamics, geometrical optics, and physical optics.

Units: 1
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable
PHYC 4DL, Modern Physics Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers

PREREQ: PHYC 4BL; Completion of or concurrent enrollment in: PHYC 4D

Last laboratory course in a calculus-based four-semester sequence. Core topics include experiments in modern physics, including the Michelson interferometer, photoelectric effect, longitudinal laser modes, Zeeman effect, and atomic spectra.

Units: 1
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable