A Network of Makerspaces for the CCSF Community in San Francisco
Explore digital and analog fabrication equipment tools including laser cutters, 3D printers, and shop tools, and experience modern teaching and learning environments equipped for hands-on learning, collaboration, and teamwork.
Summer 2021 Makerspace Courses: Enroll Now!
MAKR 100 - Practices of Making (3 units, satisfies CCSF GE Area E)
Introduction to the Maker Movement, a survey of cultures, disciplines, materials, and technologies related to the traditions of making through time and around the world. Students will recognize key materials and techniques of disciplines including the arts, construction, engineering, and computer science to critically analyze and apply ways of creating that support an understanding of culturally significant work of diverse peoples and eras.
- Two sections - Sec 500, CRN 54020 and Sec 501, CRN 54021
- Taught via remote instruction on Canvas and Zoom
- Students will use kits for at-home making and STEAM projects
MAKR 33 - Making and Makerspace for Teachers (1 unit)
Teacher preparation for making and makerspaces in educational settings. Topics include experiential learning and other applicable learning frameworks, facilitation strategies for making and makerspaces, learning activities and curriculum, and equipment, tools and supplies found in makerspaces. Students will use maker kits with making supplies and tools for at-home learning due to COVID.
- Section and CRN coming soon - check CCSF Online Schedule for latest details
- Remote instruction using Zoom and Canvas
- Students will use kits for at-home making and STEAM teaching projects

MakerSPHERE Highlights
Innovation Hub at Evans Campus
- Makerspace to support the Pitch for the Trades NACCE Radcliffe Foundation Project
- Plasma and CNC cutters, 3D printer, vinyl cutter, heat press and more
- Support for entrepreneurship or starting your own business in Automotive and Construction trades