
  • Workshops/Webinars
    • Financial Wellness Workshop w/Patelco CU
    • Career Services
    • Office of Student Equity
  • Events (Onsite Resources and Services)
    • County Benefits Support - CalFresh/Medical/Cash Aid
    • Employment & Training Specialist
    • Smart Money Coaching
  • Referrals
    • Snack Shelves | Menstrual Equity
    • Tax Help | Childcare | WIC | Health/Wellness | JobsNow!

Welcome to our workshops/events/referrals page.  We look forward to offering our low-income, equity populations, credit/non-credit students, and college community a variety of workshops/events to help students gain access to essential supports, improve and ease navigation of internal and external resources and services available to meet students basic needs.  Stay tuned for more events to come...

Note: All events hosted/shared by SparkPoint at CCSF are free!


Patelco Credit Union


Join us for our Financial Wellness Workshops - Designed with Students in Mind and facilitated by Veronica Dangerfield our community partner/representative of Patelco Credit Union.  These financial literacy sessions are free of cost to credit students, noncredit students and community members and will be held on Tuesdays at 1:00pm. This series focuses on financial education during Financial Awareness Month in April 2025.  Each session covers a different topic to support you and your families financial wellness. 

Click the link below to register for the workshop session you want to join or scan the QR code on the flyer. 

All sessions are held on Tuesdays at 1:00pm.
Register Here or scan the QR Code on the flyer.


Previously recorded sessions

February 13, 2024 - Black Finances: Building Resilience (Hybrid) - Watch Recording
October 3, 2023 - Successful Savings Strategies - Watch Recording 
October 10, 2023 - Budgeting Like a Boss - Watch Recording
October 17, 2023 - Building & Improving Your Credit - Watch Recording
October 24, 2023 - Handling Debt Successfully - Watch Recording

Career Services

Career Services offers CCSF students a variety of resources and assistance for career planning, job searching, internships, and employment. All students regardless of program or plan of study can access Career Services throughout their CCSF journey.

Our team of highly trained and experienced Employment and Training Specialists are ready to learn about you, your specific industry job goals, and how they can help you get there.  Each specialist focuses on specific industries such as: Arts/Media/Entertainment, Information Technology, Healthcare, and Transportation/Building/Construction Trades.

Career Services will conduct on-site weekly visits at the SparkPoint Center.  An employment & training specialist will be available to help assist students with identifying resources to support their career goals. 


Come by the SparkPoint Center at CCSF in Science Hall, Room 127 during Workshop Wednesdays, Weekly from 11am-12pm.  These sessions are hybrid, stop by to meet with an Employment Specialist.

REGISTER HERE or Walk-In's Welcome!

Workshop Wednesday Events

1st Wednesday: Job Search Strategies
2nd Wednesday: Resume & Cover Letters 
3rd Wednesday: Handshake & Linkedin 
4th Wednesday: Interview Strategies 

Watch Recordings of prior Workshop Wednesday Events

1st Wednesday: Job Search Strategies
2nd Wednesday: Resume & Cover Letters 
3rd Wednesday: Handshake & Linkedin 
4th Wednesday: Interview Strategies 

Helping You Explore, Prepare, and Advance Your College and Career Success

Take advantage of our Career Services resources and information to support you.

Workshops and career fairs will be held online and in person. Please see the Career Services Event Calendar for details on upcoming events. You can also visit CCSF's main Calendar of Events page and select the "Career" category.

For on-campus jobs, visit the Office of Student Employment.

Employment Specialists are still available via email, phone, and Zoom. Visit the Meet the Team page for contact information.

You can also contact the Career Center to meet with any of our Career Counselors for advice on educational majors, career choices, or for job search planning.

Visit Career Education on YouTube for recordings of past events, and access other Online Career Services Resources.

These sessions will be held virtually twice a month. The series launches February 2025 through May 2025.  Register using the link below or Scan the QR Code on the flyer.


The Office of Student Equity is proud to announce the launch of our new Student Support Clinics this fall 2024.  Student Support Clinics help new and continuing students navigate college technology, tools, and resources to succeed at CCSF.  Removing the barriers students experience when they attempt to connect, onboard, and navigate CCSF, especially our first-generation college students, by ensuring students attain access, support and success!

The OSE Student Support Clinics will cover the importance of the following college technology and tools:

  • MyCCSF Student Portal
  • CCSF Email
    • Tutoring
    • Student Services Hub
  • Scholarship Universe
  • MyCCSF App (mobile)
  • Ram Resources
    • Search by Keyword
    • Search by Category
  • Student Services
  • Campus Life


Get medical, food and cash assistance now.

MyBenefitsCalWIN is the fast, easy way for California residents to get the help they need and allows you to submit an application online for cash aid (CalWORKs), Medi-Cal services, and CalFresh (Food Stamps).

Need assistance applying for benefits?

Stop by the SparkPoint Center (Tues/Weds/Thurs) or make an appointment to get support with creating an account and getting started on your application.  Book an Appointment

Support also available in other languages as needed.

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)

EOPS Offers Needs-Based Support Services for CCSF Students

The Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) program at CCSF provides students with extra support to help students pursue their academic and career goals at CCSF. EOPS participants have access to individualized counseling, priority registration, tutoring, book vouchers and more!

EOPS/CARES will conduct on-site weekly visits at the SparkPoint Center.  An EOPS specialist will be available to help assist students with identifying resources to support their academic needs. 


Come by the SparkPoint Center at CCSF in Science Hall, Room 127 during one of the dates listed below to meet with an EOPS Specialist:

Monthly on Tuesdays from 1pm- 3pm

Students can also apply directly to EOPS by completing the application below.

EOPS Application Using MyRAM Login

If you do not know your myRAM login, apply here:

Student Health Services

City College of San Francisco Student Health Services promotes student success and the wellbeing of the whole student: physically, mentally, and socially. Student Health Services strives to provide high-quality, accessible, and culturally responsive health care.

Student Health Services will conduct on-site visits at the SparkPoint Center.  An outreach specialist will be available to help assist students with identifying resources to support their healthcare needs.  Students can also make an appointment directly with the Student Health Services.


Come by the SparkPoint Center at CCSF in Science Hall, Room 127 during one of the dates listed below to meet with an Outreach Specialist:

Medical Nursing & Mental Health Appointments

CCSF Student Health remote virtual services:

  1. Mental Health Counseling
  2. Sexual and reproductive health
  3. Birth control – consultations only
  4. Request for oral contraceptive pills (OCP) refill prescription –established patients only
  5. Emergency contraceptive pill consultations
  6. Sexually transmitted infections (STI) – consultations only (no labs)
  7. Urinary symptoms
  8. Upper respiratory symptoms – such as fever, cough, ear pain
  9. Immunization – consultation only – for transfer, ISP or health science requirements
  10. International Student – Referral/Insurance Help

Students are encouraged to make appointments. You can make an appointment in one of the following ways:

CalFresh Enrollment

CalFresh, known federally as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, provides monthly food benefits to individuals and families with low-income and offers economic benefits to communities. CalFresh is the largest food program in California and provides an essential hunger safety net. CalFresh is federally mandated and, in California, is state-supervised and county-operated.

Get Help Applying for the CalFresh Application
Students can meet with a CalFresh representative to help assist with CalFresh enrollment.  They are available through the Student Health Virtual counter.

Every Wednesday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Please visit our Calendly to Register)

Wu Yee Children's Services

Wu Yee Children’s Services believes nothing is more essential than excellent child care and education for all our children, right from the start. Every day we partner with parents, as well as countless individuals and organizations across San Francisco, to provide a network that strengthens and connects a diverse, resilient community around our children.  Because when we stand up for children, we stand up for one another.

Wu Yee will conduct on-site visits at the SparkPoint Center.  An enrollment specialist will be available to help assist Student Parents with identifying resources to support their childcare needs.


Come by the SparkPoint Center at CCSF in Science Hall, Room 127 during one of the dates listed below to meet with an Enrollment Specialist:

Monthly on Tuesdays from 1 p.m.- 3 p.m.
February 6th
March 12th
April 2nd
May 7th

Early Learning Programs

Wu Yee provides comprehensive early care and education at no cost through our Early Learning Centers, Family Child Care homes, Prenatal Care services, and Home Visiting programs.


Family and Community Services

Wu Yee connects parents and caregivers to affordable child care options, payment assistance (Early Learning Scholarships), workshops, playgroups and more to support the whole family.


Family Childcare Educators Services

Wu Yee expands access to quality care by offering training and business development resources for early childhood educators to start or expand a family child care home business.


Get Connected California!

Eligible families are encouraged to come sign up for FREE high-speed Home Internet at Get Connected! California.  If you’re enrolled in a program like Medi-Cal, CalFresh, Lifeline, WIC, or SSI, or if your household income is less than $53,000 (family of 4), then you qualify for ACP! There will be opportunities to win a free device throughout the day!

To speed up the application process, be sure to bring your I.D. and proof of eligibility documents to one of our event sites.

For identification, you can use one of the following:

  • U.S Driver’s License
  • Government ID: State ID, U.S. Military ID
  • Passport (current from any country)
  • Individual Taxpayer ID number
  • Matricula or Visa Consular Card
  • Birth Certificate (any country) for the minor that is the Benefit Qualifying Person (BQP)

For proof of eligibility, please bring one of the following:

  • For WIC, Medi-Cal, and CalFresh: a monthly statement
  • For National School Lunch Program (NSLP) at CEP designated school: Proof of enrollment in the program during the current or preceding school year
  • Pell Grant: A Pell Grant Award Letter for the current year

You’ll also need a valid email address; an ACP representative can help you set up an email if you don’t have one.

To find out more about ACP or to apply today, please visit our Apply Today page.

SparkPoint CCSF



Join us for our Virtual Launch Event being held on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 2:00pm

This is an opportunity to share with our college community the planning and development efforts of the planning team and introduce new external partnerships we've established to help meet students basic needs, educational success and economic prosperity.  

All students, faculty, staff, administrators and community members are welcome!

Watch Recording


Free Tax Help Bay Area


We ensure taxpayers maximize their refunds by claiming cash-back tax credits like the Federal and California Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Federal and California Child Tax Credit. California residents who made less than $30,000 in 2022 may be eligible for up to $8,000 in state and federal tax credits, depending on income and family size.

Free Tax Help - United Way Bay Area (

  • In-Person Tax Preparation and Drop-off
  • Online Tax Preparation
  • DIY Taxes Online
  • Search locations based on Special Service Needs

Get your taxes done right, for free.



Read our Tax FAQ’s.

We serve low- and moderate-income families in the San Francisco Bay Area by providing:

  • Free year-round tax return preparation
  • Benefits screening and assessment for other related services
  • Self-employed tax education (read information in English or Spanish)

MEDA also offers Spanish-speaking clients free assistance for filing the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) and Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) application services.

If you are interested in free tax services, please call 415-282-3334 ext. 178 to make an appointment;

San Francisco Human Services Agency

Get Free Tax Help!

File your taxes for free in person, online, and by phone if you earned under $66,000 in 2022. You'll get help applying for the Working Families Credit and other tax credits worth up to $9,600.

JobsNOW! SF Human Services Agency

JobsNOW helps more people get back to work by providing access to hundreds of employers and job opportunities. We’ll help you get matched with the right position and stand out from other applicants—or give you a program voucher that allows you to find your own job. This means that the City will pay employers for up to 100% of your wages for three months if they hire you. Act now to take advantage of these expanded opportunities!

There are 3 ways to apply for JobsNOW (all of which are listed at the bottom of the job seeker page):

  1. Call the JN hotline at 877-562-1669
  2. Email us at
  3. Or submit an “interest form” 

Get medical, food and cash assistance now.

MyBenefitsCalWIN is the fast, easy way for California residents to get the help they need and allows you to submit an application online for cash aid (CalWORKs), Medi-Cal services, and CalFresh (Food Stamps).

Click the link below to create an account and get started on your application.

Need support completing your application?

One of our support staff can assist you:

Women, Infants, & Children (WIC), NAHC

Serving both adults and children, NAHC provides care to anyone in need regardless of tribal affiliations or ethnicity. We care for the whole person, developing life-long relationships, and care for your entire family.

What is WIC?

A special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), WIC can provide your family with the following services:

  • Nutritious food (WIC cards)
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Individual and group nutrition education
  • Referral to other resources in Alameda and San Francisco Counties

Wu Yee Children's Services

Wu Yee Children’s Services believes nothing is more essential than excellent child care and education for all our children, right from the start. Every day we partner with parents, as well as countless individuals and organizations across San Francisco, to provide a network that strengthens and connects a diverse, resilient community around our children.  Because when we stand up for children, we stand up for one another.

Early Learning Programs

Wu Yee provides comprehensive early care and education at no cost through our Early Learning Centers, Family Child Care homes, Prenatal Care services, and Home Visiting programs.




Family and Community Services

Wu Yee connects parents and caregivers to affordable child care options, payment assistance (Early Learning Scholarships), workshops, playgroups and more to support the whole family.




Family Childcare Educators Services

Wu Yee expands access to quality care by offering training and business development resources for early childhood educators to start or expand a family child care home business.



Children’s Council

Children's Council is responding to this crisis with swift support for our community, using new and creative ways to connect with families and early educators. Leveraging our core competencies and our expansive early education network, Children’s Council is offering:

  • Emergency Child Care referral/match and payment services for essential workers and families with vulnerable children, in partnership with San Francisco Office of Early Care and Education, First 5 San Francisco and the California State Department of Education. 
  • Assistance for early educators who want to care for children during COVID-19, as well as coordination of the substitute pool of child care providers.
  • Trauma-informed virtual workshops (Playgroups, Parent Café, New & Expecting Moms Group) to help families navigate stress, child engagement and family dynamics during this challenging time.

Visit us at

Child Care Resource and Referral Info for Families: 415-343-3300

Help Desk for Early Educators: 415-343-4669

Did you know that if our students are 25 or under they can get free services at the nearby Balboa Teen Health Center? This is a great supplement to our Student Health Center! 

Balboa Teen Health Center

Location: Balboa High School
1000 Cayuga Avenue, Room 156
San Francisco, CA 94112
Phone Number: 415-469-4512
Fax: 415-337-2175

Serves: Youth, ages 12-25


  • Birth control
  • Sexually transmitted disease (STD) and HIV testing and treatment
  • PEP and PrEP
  • Primary care
  • Urgent care
  • Mental health and/or substance abuse counseling

How to make an appointment?

Call the clinic 415-469-4512, 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday.  
Call during off hours to leave a message.