Beginning Jewelry/Metal Arts

Introduction to basic jewelry metal arts fabrication processes and design approaches: use of tools and materials, soldering, cold connections, forming, stone setting, and basic three-dimensional design principles vocabulary. Emphasis is placed on gaining technical skills, knowledge of safe practices, personal expression, and the evolution of an aesthetic sense with historical and conceptual considerations.

Pro. Chinese Brush Painting

Emphasis on creating self-directed artwork that connects working approach, style, and content with refinement of critical thinking, presentation, and technical skill. This mastery level Chinese brush painting course expands upon ART 146C skills, concepts, and issues to produce a unified body of artwork for transfer to university, art school or professional practice.

Basic Drawing

A course in the theory and practice of drawing using a variety of media and subject matter. The student will develop drawing skills through the use of line, plane, tone, shape, form, volume, chiaroscuro and perspective. Group and individual instruction related to progressive assignments will encourage subjective and analytical development.

Basic Design: 2-D Foundations

Introduction to visual perception, concepts, methods and applications of two-dimensional design across visual art disciplines and platforms. Self-expression and creative problem-solving through studio art projects. Lecture presentations, readings, verbal articulation, and critiques to develop visual literacy. Study of design theory with a focus on interdependence of content, form and context, combined with visual analysis of art from different eras and cultures.

Basic Design: 2-D Foundations

Introduction to visual perception, concepts, methods and applications of two-dimensional design across visual art disciplines and platforms. Self-expression and creative problem-solving through studio art projects. Lecture presentations, readings, verbal articulation, and critiques to develop visual literacy. Study of design theory with a focus on interdependence of content, form and context, combined with visual analysis of art from different eras and cultures.


A comprehensive course in the study of color, its sources, properties, theories and applications in additive and subtractive media. Develops conceptual and practical skills for effective employment of color in fine arts and design for self-expression and visual communication. Perceptual, psychological, and cultural uses of color are explored in art from different eras and cultures and in real-life applications.

Asian Art History

A survey of the artistic heritages of Asia from the Neolithic period to the present. Painting, sculpture, architecture, and crafts will be examined within their historical, political, and socio-cultural background. Students learn to identify styles, recognize techniques and formal visual elements, and critically analyze artwork within its contextual framework.