Ceramics Studio

Advanced-studio level class building on the skills, concepts and issues addressed in ART 160C. To refine analytical skills and technical expertise in the exploration of contemporary art and ceramics issues and create a self-directed, unified body of work in preparation for transferring to university, art school, or professional activities.

Live Model Illustration

Develop unique character designs, engage in figurative storytelling, and work from live models as well as photographic resources. Focus on portraiture and facial expressions, dynamic gesture, and prolonged studies of models in costumes and theatrical settings with props using a variety of painting and drawing techniques in color media.

Basic Drawing

A course in the theory and practice of drawing using a variety of media and subject matter. The student will develop drawing skills through the use of line, plane, tone, shape, form, volume, chiaroscuro and perspective. Group and individual instruction related to progressive assignments will encourage subjective and analytical development.

History of Modern Art

Survey of modern and contemporary art in Europe and America from the mid-19th century through the early 21st century. Art will be discussed and analyzed from critical and historical perspectives, formal visual elements of style, and social/cultural contexts. Students will learn to identify pivotal artists, styles, and techniques and to critically analyze art within its cultural framework.