Stress and Resilience

Overview of social and behavioral theories and core concepts of stress, stress reduction and stress management. Critical assessment of the health impacts of stress on individuals, communities, and society. Evidence-based approaches to reducing stress responses and promoting improved health indicators.

Tai Chi for Health and Wellness

Integration of Tai Chi philosophy and theory with contemporary health practices and principles. Recognition of Tai Chi patterns will improve body balance and energy control. Tai Chi and Qigong exercises promote physical, mental and social health. Knowledge is particularly beneficial to health and social workers.

Coaching Healthcare Interpreters

This course is designed for healthcare interpreters who enjoy teaching and are interested in coaching emerging interpreters in academia or at their workplaces. Students will explore mentoring, coaching, and adult learning principles, including intercultural communication, and learn skills and techniques to conduct practice labs, assess interpreting skills, and facilitate coaching sessions.

Mindful Stress Reduction

This course focuses on mindfulness-based stress reduction practices, including mindfulness meditation and movement practices. Application of these stress reduction practices in everyday life will be supported through the in-class practice of various mindfulness techniques and shared self-reflection.

Hepatitis ABCs

Overview of the different types of viral hepatitis, their characteristics and treatment options with a focus on hepatitis C as a current public health issue especially among IV drug users. Emphasis on the practice of harm reduction, prevention, navigation and advocacy for communities experiencing substance use, HIV and viral hepatitis.