Information Security Professional Practices

In-depth course in information security, including access control, application security, enterprise continuity, cryptography, technical risk management, physical security, and telecommunications and network security. This course supports preparation for the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) credential, which is essential for high-level information security professionals.

Advanced Ethical Hacking

Advanced techniques in ethical hacking of Windows and Linux systems. Hands-on labs include Google hacking, automated footprinting, sophisticated ping and port scans, privilege escalation, attacks against telephone and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems, routers, firewalls, wireless devices, web servers, and Denial of Service attacks.

Ethical Hacking & Network Defense

Learn how hackers attack computers and networks, and how to protect Windows and Linux systems. Legal restrictions and ethical guidelines will be taught and enforced. Students will perform many hands-on labs, both attacking and defending, using port scans, footprinting, buffer overflow exploits, SQL injection, privilege escalation, Trojans, and backdoors.


Fundamentals, techniques, and procedures to design an effective secure Internet connection using software or hardware firewalls. Discussion of types of firewalls, packet filtering, proxy servers, Intrusion Detection Systems, and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).

Computer Forensics

Forensics tools, methods and procedures for investigating computers. Data recovery
techniques and evidence collection, protection of evidence, expert witness skills and
computer crime investigation techniques. Analysis of various file systems and specialized
diagnostic software to retrieve data. Prepares in part for CompTIA Security+ and maps to
Computer Investigation Specialists exam.

Network Security

Knowledge and skills - to recognize security vulnerabilities, implement security measures,
analyze network environments for known security threats or risks, defend against attacks
or viruses, ensure data privacy and integrity. Terminology and procedures for
implementation and configuration of security: access control, authorization, encryption,
packet filters, firewalls and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).

Wireless Networks, Advanced

Students will design, install, configure, manage, and maintain wireless networks with advanced fundamentals of WLANs, current and developing standards and protocols, boosting, detecting and extending signal, troubleshooting and monitoring the network, security issues, research of proposed security solutions. The course follows objectives for the Certified Wireless Network Administrator Exam (CWNA).

Wireless LANs

Selection, installation and configuration of wireless networks, including: fundamentals
and standards of wireless communication, installation of network access points, and
installation, configuration and management of typical products. Also included: common
applications, monitoring the network, security, troubleshooting, upgrade, and
modification. Students in this course should be already familiar with LAN technologies.