Web Production I

This course will provide students with an overview of web site planning, development and production through a hands-on approach. Topics include web pre-production, design and production techniques. Assignments will focus on pre-production planning and production of web sites.


Instruction in calligraphic tools, materials, and techniques. Study and practice of various historical and contemporary calligraphic styles and techniques, creative exercises in calligraphic layout, and discussion of contemporary lettering art and artists.

Typography II

Continued study of typography with emphasis on the development of an awareness of typographic form and structure. The role of typography in communication will be explored through practical exercises in typesetting and typographic design.

Typography I

Introduction to typography as key element of visual communication. Exploration of the fundamental aspects of typographic form and use. Students will develop the ability to see, select and use type in meaningful ways through exercises and assignments.

User Experience

This course focuses on industry-standard User Experience (UX) concepts and processes including user-centered design, information architecture, interaction design and prototyping used in digital product design and development. Students explore key topics through a series of hands-on exercises and projects.

Package Design

An exploration of package design through practical exercises and a design project. The pace and scope of the class is intended for advanced design students looking to expand their skills and design portfolio.

Information Design

An exploration of the visual design and presentation of numeric or objective data through exercises and a design project. The pace and scope of the class is intended for advanced design students looking to expand their skills and design portfolio.

Graphic Design II

Continued study of visual communication design, covering both interactive (web/mobile) and print projects. Topics of study include research, design processes and deliverables for a range of interactive and print projects.