College Internship

Media-related work experience and further career development in a supervised setting. On campus, college work experience in college district media support services such as Broadcast Media Services, Educational Access Television, Audio Visual, Outreach and Recruitment Services and Marketing Public Information. One unit of credit is earned for 54 hours of paid or unpaid work.

Special Project

Students apply theory and skills acquired in electronic media classes to an independent electronic media project acceptable to both student and instructor. Permission of instructor is required to register.

Video Motion Graphics - Intermediate

Continuation course for intermediate-level motion graphics students to further develop knowledge and skills in conceptualizing and executing digital effects, compositing, and motion graphics projects for distribution on broadcast, cablecast, webcast, and mobile devices. Concepts and skills previously introduced in BCST 146A are expanded upon in a hands-on classroom/laboratory setting.

Field Video Production

This course offers aesthetic and technical instruction in video field production with emphasis on industry phases of pre-production, video production, post-production. Students collaborate to create video programs outside a studio, learn common approaches to broadcast and online storytelling, and acquire skills in the operation of video cameras, location sound, and lighting equipment.

Studio Video Production

Theory and operation of video production equipment and facilities. Video production planning and organization; concept development, and production management. Instruction in camera, audio, lighting, live switching, server operation as well as above-the-line roles such as writer, director, producer. Students acquire knowledge and skills by creating studio-based video programming.

Video for the Web

Students will create a vlog channel and episodes in this hands-on class focusing on technical considerations and content issues required to produce and deliver video content over the Internet. The student will research the history of video on the web, and its impact on traditional broadcast media.

Sound Reinforcement

Live sound history, theory, technology, and craft skills with an emphasis on the technical manipulation of sound in acoustic spaces. Includes hands-on live sound production and operations for nightclubs, theaters, large-scale concert venues, and distributed sound systems.