Symbolic Logic

The study of logical relationships by way of models and procedures in a symbolic system. The concept of proof and the demands of formal proofs. Methods of demonstrating logical relationships, including truth tables, derivations in sentence and predicate logic, and semantic interpretations. The relation between conventional languages and symbolic encodings. A selection of related theoretical topics, including proofs of soundness and consistency of the calculi, and elementary set theory.

Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Its Limits

The tools and techniques of philosophical reasoning: reading argumentative prose;
analyzing conceptual models; writing critical essays. Problems of knowledge: the criteria
of reliable knowledge; the formulation and justification of beliefs the sources and limits
of knowledge; beliefs about the physical world, the past and future, and other minds.
Critical standards applied to related metaphysical issues: theism, mind and self-identity,

History of San Francisco

The growth of San Francisco from its origins as an Indian-Spanish-Mexican settlement to the metropolis of the San Francisco Bay Area. Emphasis will be on the role of San Francisco as a political, social, cultural, commercial and artistic capital of the West Coast.

History of California

Examination and analysis of the forces, events, and lives that shaped California, beginning with native cultures and Spanish exploration and colonization. Emphasis on exploring the roles and interactions of Native Americans, Latino Americans, European Americans, and Asian Americans within the broader context of California's political, economic, cultural, and social history.

History of China

Intellectual, social, political, and economic development of China from 1900 to the present. Emphasis is on twentieth-century China, concentrating on the rise of nationalism and Communist rule on the Mainland.