
Mental Health Services offer personal counseling to provide a confidential, safe place where you can focus on your concerns, and we can help you deal with whatever’s getting in the way of living your life in the most fulfilling way.

Cost & Eligibility

There is no fee for any student currently enrolled in a credit class. However, you must call to cancel any appointment you are not able to make – no-shows count against your total visits, and can result in denial of services.


  • Assessment of the current situation
  • Short-term workshops, brief individual and couple’s counseling, and/or referral to community services
  • Support groups - call early in the semester to sign up for current offerings of support groups!

Our Counselors

Our staff of female, male, white/Euro, African-American, gay, Spanish-fluent, Japanese-fluent are:

  • Licensed Clinical Social Workers
  • Post-Masters Interns, Post-Doctoral Fellows supervised by staff.

About Personal Counseling

Some people mistakenly assume there must be something “wrong” with them in order to seek counseling. Talking with a personal counselor does not mean that you have serious psychological problems – it just means that you would like to talk to someone (besides your friend, partner, or parents) about what’s going on in your life.

Examples of Issues

Students bring a broad range of issues they would like to work on, including:

  • Relationship conflicts (with partner, parents, instructor, boss, or roommates)
  • Loss (various types)
  • Romantic breakups or disappointments
  • Problems with studying, including time management and procrastination
  • Feeling bad about oneself / low self-esteem
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Women’s or men’s issues
  • Survival struggles
  • Cultural and ethnic identity
  • Foreign student, immigrant, and refugee concerns
  • Trauma
  • Previous (or current) emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
  • Body image or problems with food
  • Questions about alcohol and other substances
  • Gay, Lesbian, bisexual, or transgender issues
  • Various adjustment issues
  • Loneliness
  • Social Isolation

Suggest topics for Therapy Groups 

Student Health Services is collecting feedback and ideas for group therapy topics. What therapy groups would you like to see available at Student Health Services? 

Please take a moment to complete this brief survey


All of our services are confidential. This means that we need your permission to speak with anyone outside the clinic about you. We cannot even tell anyone that you get services here. In certain exceptional circumstances, we are required by law to break confidentiality, such as: suspected child or elder abuse, danger to self or threats against others, or if a court has issued a subpoena for information.