The Gender Diversity Project (GDP), formerly Transgender VOICES Transgender RIGHTS, is a student club in the Health Education Department at CCSF.
In 2004, GDP began designing a project to work in service to, and in collaboration with, transgender, gender variant, and gender queer communities at CCSF and beyond. Our mission is to dismantle the stereotypes that perpetuate fear, discrimination, harassment, and violence. Our goal is to work together in support, education, and advocacy projects to ensure the dignity and human rights that we all deserve. Our work is ongoing and emerges from the talent, energy, creativity and commitment of those involved semester by semester.
Since then, we have planned and hosted 15 annual Transgender Awareness Day campus wide events, published 2 books and many useful handouts, trained over 300 faculty/staff/administrators at CCSF and beyond on issues of gender diversity, collaborated with the Graphics Department on various poster campaigns, updated the list of Gender Neutral Bathrooms on campus, hosted Bystander Intervention trainings and Open Forums to hear from trans and gender variant students, represented CCSF at outreach events, and advocated for student safety on campus. Oh, and MUCH MUCH MORE!