University Representatives
Transfer Workshops
Cross-Registration Programs
UCLA TAP Program
Transfer Admissions Guarantee (TAG) Programs
Annual Fall College Fair
Representatives from the 23 CSUs - California State Universities; 9 UCs - University of California; and a variety of in-state and out-of-state private/independent universities have provided contact information and campus specific events.
Students - Please feel free to make a virtual appointment or send an email to these admissions representatives to get your questions answered! Or, participate in one of their scheduled events!
Through this program, CCSF students may take individual courses at S.F. State University, Golden Gate University, and USF. These institutions may require you to pay a course fee in accordance with their policies. For more information contact the Admissions & Records Office at admit@ccsf.edu.
The Cross-Enrollment Program ( CA Senate Bill 1914) allows undergraduate students who meet certain eligibility criteria and are enrolled at any California Community College, the California State University, or the University of California to enroll, without formal admission in any of the other systems. In addition, private colleges/universities may offer cross-enrollment.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Available terms to participate in Cross-Enrollment at UC Berkeley is Fall and Spring semesters.
UC Berkeley Cross Enrollment Program
Eligibility requirements:
- Completion of one semester (fall or spring, not summer) of transferable course work at CCSF.
- Have a minimum 2.0 GPA at CCSF.
- Must be enrolled in at least 6 units at CCSF (credit courses) during the semester of participation.
- Have no outstanding financial balance at CCSF in the semester of cross-enrollment with UC Berkeley.
- CA residence based on CCSF guidelines.
- Highly recommend completion of English 1A. This will help participants be prepared for the rigorous academic and writing standards of UC Berkeley.
Students must be matriculated lower division students who qualify and plan to apply for undergraduate admissions to a university in the future.
- Admission to a course is on a space available basis at the discretion of UC Berkeley. Participants will have to add the course once the UC Berkeley semester begins with a special form provided by the Transfer Center. There is no advanced pre-registration. Participants are not guaranteed to be added to a course.
- May take one lower division (#1-99) course per semester while you are a CCSF student.
- UCB course may not be an equivalent course offered at CCSF.
- Participants must meet any prescribed prerequisites for the course at UC Berkeley. Participants are not exempt from prerequisites. Course prerequisites are posted in the UC Berkeley catalog http://guide.berkeley.edu/courses/ in the "Read More" section of each individual course.
- This program is fall and spring terms only, no summer or extension courses.
- The fees are $46 per unit and will be collected by UC Berkeley.
- Participation in the program does not guarantee admissions to UC Berkeley or the UC system. The goal of the program is to give community college students the opportunity to experience taking a course at a nearby UC campus.
- Interested in the program? Please complete the form: https://forms.gle/2sTXtZfU3x9uY6vAA. The coordinator will contact students via email with more information. Please check "spam" or "junk" folders for the follow up email. Students will be contacted during these dates:
- Fall semester program----- early August
- Spring semester program-- early January
What is UCLA TAP?
The UCLA Transfer Alliance Program (TAP) gives students the opportunity to enhance their ability to transfer to UCLA at the junior level. Students are given priority consideration for admission to majors in the College of Letters and Science, as well as the following majors: public health, public affairs and education and social transformation. It is important for students to check the list of acceptable UCLA majors for TAP certification.
Students are certified after completing a minimum of 15 units of honors coursework. This certification gives students priority consideration for admission to UCLA.
This program is administered collaboratively by the Honors Program and the Transfer Center.
More Information About UCLA TAP
How to be UCLA TAP Certified:
Students must indicate on the UC application they are participating in the UCLA Transfer Alliance Program. On the UC application, click on "Activities & awards", then select "Educational preparation program", and choose "UCLA Transfer Alliance Program" from the pull down menu. The process for students who applied to UCLA for Fall admission is the following:
- Complete the TAP worksheet that UCLA sent via email to students.
- Download all unofficial college transcripts
- Send the completed TAP Worksheet and all unofficial transcripts to skudsi@ccsf.edu
- Mr. Kudsi will verify that you have or will complete a minimum of 15 Honors units.
- Mr. Kudsi will forward your documents to the Transfer Center Counselors.
- Transfer Center Counselor will calculate your CCSF UC Transferable GPA (required: minimum 3.0 UC Transferable GPA)
- Next Step: Transfer Center Counselor will send the form to UCLA for TAP Certification by the designated deadline.
- Process for UCLA TAP Certification is concluded
Note: Late forms will not be accepted. Please contact Sami Kudsi (skudsi@ccsf.edu) if you have questions. UCLA has a strict deadline for TAP certification.
FYI: UCLA Admission decisions are released between late April to early May.
CCSF has Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) agreements with UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz. More information.
In addition, CCSF has Transfer Admission Agreements with a few private colleges and universities. Please see the CCSF Articulation website for a listing.
The Annual College Fair takes place in September of each year. Representatives from over 40 public, private, in-state and out-of-state colleges and universities are in attendance to provide transfer information.
Currently, students can contact university advisers through our:
- Events Calendar to see which universities are visiting CCSF
- University Advisers link to get contact information to email advisers to get help with your questions or to schedule a virtual appointment.
Events Calendar
Note: Not all scheduled events are reflected in this calendar. If you don't see events for the university you are interested in, please check our University Advisers page to find a listing of events by university name.