Office Hours

Office Hours are held after our Livestream sessions online and by appointment on Zoom. I am happy to meet with you to support your success in our class.

Telephone Number

Instructor Bio

My name is Dayamudra Ann Dennehy. I teach ESL online and in face-to-face classes. I have worked with language learners at all levels of English language proficiency in Credit, Non-Credit, and Vocational classes at CCSF since 1999, and have served as Distance Education Coordinator from 2021 to 2024.

I started teaching in 1991 in the California public schools. I have taught on both coasts of the U.S., at a private language school in Indonesia, and at grassroots educational projects, with a Mayan weaving cooperative in Guatemala and a Roma/Gypsy community program in Hungary. I founded and have served as Creative Director at an alternative educational center in India, which I led with an India-based team and my own U.S- based educational non-profit organization, from 2008 to 2021. I have led workshops and presentations at CATESOL, SxSW EDU, The Online Teaching Conference, and with the CVC/OEI.

In 2021 I completed my doctorate in Educational Leadership, with a focus on Equity & Social Justice from SFSU.

In 2023-2024 I was an EPIC Fellow at Stanford University. I currently serve on Stanford's GEN Board of Directors.

My current area of academic interest is the ethical, equitable, inclusive, and accessible use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education and how neuroscience can inform our equity-minded pedagogy.

My name means "Gesture of Compassion".

Dayamudra's CCSF Google Site