Summer 2024
Catalog Description

Emergency care for one and two-rescuer adult, child, and infant CPR with bag mask ventilation and AED. First aid for the sick and injured including care of life-threatening, medical, environmental, and traumatic emergencies. Standard first aid, CPR, and AED certification(s) granted upon successful completion of requirements.

Section Notes

This class requires in-person and live online meetings. In-person meetings will take place on Wednesdays from 10:10am to 2:00pm at the John Adams Campus. Live online meetings will take place on Tuesdays from 10:10am to 2:00pm and requires the use of CityZoom, Zoom's web conferencing platform in Canvas, using an internet enabled device. This class is part of CityOnline and is an 7 week course. For course information details, students must check the instructor's website. This class is part of CityOnline and is 7 weeks. For student support and other services, students can check Welcome to CityOnline.

Learning Outcomes