Catalog Description
An investigation of the ecological significance of the Point Reyes National Seashore (PRNS) and the role of historic and current biotic and abiotic factors that shape it. Observation of the diversity of habitats within PRNS and description of their associated fauna and flora.
Section Notes
BIO 21D: Ecology of the Point Reyes National Seashore is taught on two consecutive days during the weekend of May 3-4 from 8:30am-3:45pm each day. Transportation is not provided to field sites. A mandatory on-campus orientation meeting meets on Wednesday, April 23 from 6:10-9pm in STEM 303. For more information about the class and instructor please check out Dr. Bibit Traut's website.
Recommended Preparation, (Readiness for college-level English) or ESL 188
Learning Outcomes