Spring 2024
Catalog Description

This course will provide students with an overview of webpage development using drag and drop website builders. Assignments will focus on online website builders, cloud-based productivity tools, and software applications available to users as and when needed for specific temporary projects, known or unexpected business workloads, and portfolio development.

Section Notes

This class has no scheduled meetings and requires the use of Canvas. All coursework is completed on Canvas using an internet enabled device. This class is part of CityOnline and is 16 weeks. For course details, students must check the instructor's website. This course will provide students with website building skills using online website builders, apps, and tools without coding to create and manage business and/or individual websites. Topics include creating web pages, using templates, page layout, online image selection, web graphics editing tools, integrating text, graphics, media, and business content into a website.


Recommended Preparation, MABS 60 and BSEN 70

Learning Outcomes