Parking Permits are Required to Park in all CCSF Parking Lots.
Our Department is primarily responsible for parking enforcement.
We do not issue parking permits, unless under specific circumstances.
A CCSF valid parking permit must be displayed at all times and all vehicles must be parked in a marked stall.
A CCSF valid parking permit can be purchased daily for $5.00. Visitors (and students) may purchase a one-day permit from parking ticket machines located in the parking lots.
Before 5 pm, students and visitors may only park in the Upper Reservoir Lot and S-Lot parking lot.
After 5 pm, all parking lots are open to students and visitors with valid parking permits, except for Cloud Circle and Science Loop/Circle.
Student semester parking permits can be purchased online via the myCCSF Resources Portal. Contact the Student Accounting (Student Bank) Office at MUB (Multi-Use Building) 360 or call 415-239-3345 for semester parking fees and additional information.
Faculty/Staff may park in any parking lot with a valid faculty/staff permit. Go to The Permit Store site for parking permits.
Community College District Parking Enforcement Regulations
Parking enforcement is conducted by the San Francisco Community College District Police Department under the authority of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) with the approval of the District.
CVC 21113(a) - No person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle whether attended or unattended, upon the driveways, paths, parking facilities, or the grounds of any public school, except with the permission of, and upon subject to any condition or regulation which may be imposed by the legislative body of the governing board or officer of the public school, or educational institution.
- Parking on campus grounds is allowed 7 days a week, 5:00 am-12:00 am (No overnight parking unless authorized by the Office of the Chief of Police). Parking is enforced 7 days a week.
- A valid parking permit must be prominently displayed (face-up on the windshield or dashboard) at all times and all vehicles must be parked in a marked stall.
- Vehicles parked in student parking lots, shall prominently display a current, valid daily parking permit or semester permit, face-up, on the dashboard or affixed to the passenger's side windshield, and clearly readable from the outside of the vehicle.
- Vehicles parked in faculty/staff lots, must prominently display a current and valid faculty/staff parking permit, face-up, in the windshield or on the dashboard, and be clearly visible and readable from the outside of the vehicle. Faculty/staff driving a vehicle that does not have a valid faculty/staff permit should obtain a temporary (one-day) permit from the Campus Police Department before parking in any lots.
- Students and Visitors may only park in the Reservoir Lot and S-Lot parking lots before 5 pm (Mon-Fri). After 5 pm (Mon-Fri), all parking lots except Cloud Circle, Science Loop, and Wellness Center stalls are open to students and visitors with a valid parking permit. On weekends, including holidays, students and visitors may park in all parking lots except for Cloud Circle and Science Circle, with a valid parking permit
- A valid daily parking permit can be purchased from parking ticket machines located in parking lots.
- A student semester parking permit can be purchased online via Web4 or contact the Student Accounting (Student Bank) Office at MUB (Multi-Use Building) 360, or call 415-239-3345.
- Faculty/Staff parking permits can be obtained via https://ccsf.thepermitstore.com.
- Students, visitors, and staff with a current valid DMV-issued Disabled Persons license plate or placard may park in any lot on campus in marked designated blue handicap stalls only, without the purchase or need of a CCSF parking permit. Disabled license plates/ placards must be current and visible from the outside of the vehicle.
- Parking exceptions include; no parking in or next to yellow zones, white zones, crosshatched areas (diagonal lines), or marked designated parking spaces.
- All vehicles shall be parked in a marked parking stall. A parking stall is a space between two white parallel lines on the pavement in designated parking areas. Only one vehicle is allowed per stall. Any "out-of-Stall" vehicle may be cited and/or towed at the owners' expense.
- Parking, stopping, and standing in red zones are prohibited at all times. Parking in yellow zones is limited and is for official delivery vehicles or by Special Permit (from the Office of the Chief of Police) only. California Commercial Vehicles are not valid in these zones.
- Notes on dashboards are not valid parking permits.
- A parking permit is only valid for the vehicle(s) it is registered for. Permits may be transferred. All permit changes must be coordinated through the Student Bank for student semester permits and via https://ccsf.thepermitstore.com for faculty/staff permits prior to parking in any City College of San Francisco parking lot. Any changes to special permits issued by the Office of the Chief of Police must be coordinated through the Office of the Chief of Police prior to parking in any City College of San Francisco parking lot.
- Any illegally parked vehicle may be subject to a citation, and possible tow at the owner's expense.
- Citations issued by the San Francisco Community College District Police Department/City College of San Francisco Police Department can be protested or paid at https://ccsf.thepermitstore.com. Some citations may require contacting SFMTA for protest or payment, contact the District Police Department for assistance.
- Parking enforcement for no permits, color zones, out-of-stall, and other parking violations under the California vehicle or penal code, will commence on the first day of instruction and continue throughout (exceptions authorized only through the Office of the Chief of Police)
- Motorcycles & Scooters, do not require parking permits when parked in the designated motorcycle parking on Frida Kahlo Way. Any motorcycle or scooter parked in any lot must follow the parking regulations and display the appropriate parking permit.
Purchasing Parking Permits
- Student semester parking permits can be purchased online through the Bursar's Office. For any questions, please contact the Student Bank at 415-239-3345.
- Students and visitors may purchase a one-day permit for parking in student lots only. These permits are dispensed from the machines located in the parking lots.
- Parking details can be viewed on the CCSF Ocean Campus map.