Find the answers to most frequently asked questions here!

Registering for classes
  • You need to apply to be a CCSF Student - information about tuition and fees and how to apply for credit and non-credit courses, can be found at the Admissions and Records - Apply to CCSF
  • After you apply, you will receive an email with your Student ID
  • To find information on how to set up your RAM ID, go to the CCSF RAM ID website - the RAM ID will give you access to basically all the services in the college
  • Once your RAM ID has been set up, you will have access to the Banner website where you can check your account, register for classes, etc. With the RAM ID, you will be able to login at RAM ID portal and then select the SSB/Web 4 button to navigate your Banner account
  • Verify what is your web appointment date accessing your RAM ID portal and then select the SSB/Web 4 button to navigate your Banner account
    • Once you log in, click on the Student button
    • Click on Registration
    • Select the Term (semester) you want to register
    • You will get a new screen with your registration date and time
  • Check the schedule of classes before your web appointment date arrives and take note of the CRN # of the classes you wish to attend - in this page you will need to select the term you want to register for and then when the new screen shows up, you will need to select Computer Networking and Information Technology for the Department box
  • On your web appointment date, login using the RAM ID portal and then select the SSB/Web 4 button to navigate your Banner account, enter your account (Student's button) and select Registration
Prerequisite x Advisory
  • If you see PREREQ: CNIT XXX written in the schedule for a class, it means that to attend that class you will be required to have successfully finished the CNIT XXX class.
  • If you see ADVISE: CNIT XXX written in the schedule for a class, it means that it's advisable that you have the knowledge of the material provided by CNIT XXX class to attend the class you are trying to register for
Counseling Tips for CNIT Major Degree and Certificates

Classes taken as P/NP will NOT count as credit towards an A.S. Degree or Certificate and instructors cannot change it back to grade. There is nothing that can be done by the instructors or department chair as the course was not counted to the number of credits, nor added to your GPA

  • Login to your Banner account using the RAM ID portal and then select the My RAM Portal button to navigate to your account.
  • Click on the Student Portal button
  • Click on the Profile link
  • Below your picture, on the left side, you will see the link for Unofficial Transcript
  • On the next screen you select the Level and Type and then click on the Submit button
  • For advice in CNIT paths/courses, you can talk to the CNIT adviser or send an email to
  • For general counseling (transfer of credits from another college, GE (General Education) classes, etc.) it's better to look for the Counseling Department. There are different locations and times.
  • Certificates are NOT awarded automatically - it's necessary to fill out the Petition for Certificate form that you can find at the Conlan Hall E-107. If you print and fill out the online form, it's advisable to make a copy to keep to yourself.
  • You need to fill out a separate form for EACH certificate you are requesting and with the exact name of the certificate as it shows in the catalog.
  • You will need the signature of the Head of the CNIT Department (or the Adviser) ONLY if you need to waive or substitute a course.
  • Each semester there is a due date for filling out and delivering these forms - pay attention to the academic calendar for those dates.
  • It's advisable to fill out the form(s) in the semester you are completing the courses for the Degree or Certificate you are petitioning

The CNIT 131H is a 1-unit course that may be used as a substitute for the CNIT 131 (Internet & Introduction to HTML) course ONLY for the CNIT Certificates in Web Development but this course CANNOT be used to substitute CNIT 131 in the A.S. Degree.

Computer Labs
  • The CNIT Department offers, regularly 2 computer labs: Room Science 37, and Science 214
  • There are also general-use computer labs available in Batmale Hall room 301 - ACRC - and in the Rosenberg Library room 207 - Learning Assistance Center - LAC
  • NOTE: Whenever the college is closed, those labs will not be opened either!
  • You should visit the ACRC and the Learning Assistance Center - LAC websites to know what is offered there
  • Cloud 218 - Windows OS computers with MS Office, Adobe Brackets, Filezilla, browsers installed
    Science 37 - A+ test preparation; CISCO; MS Office (no printing); Wireless setup for CCSF Downtown, Evans, and Ocean campuses.
    Science 214 - Installation and troubleshooting practice for Windows OS (reserved for students enrolled in CNIT 101, 102, and advanced CNIT Microsoft courses); Ethical hacking practice (reserved for students enrolled in CNIT Hacking/Security classes)
  • NOTE: Whenever the college is closed, those labs will not be opened either!
ESL - English as a Second Language for CNIT

Students should contact the ESL Department or Laura Walsh (Laura Walsh's email) to know about any program offered

Software - Free and Discounted
  • NOTE: You might need a CCSF ID card to prove you are a student
  • College Buys - extremely deep discounts for any Community College Student (software, hardware, accessories)
CCSF Gmail Account
  • Every student receives a CCSF Gmail account - you can get the information about your CCSF Gmail in your RAM ID Portal
  • Your CCSF Gmail account is a normal Gmail account - you can log in using Gmail Login
  • Use the Gmail address that was given to you ( where XXX is the username of your CCSF Gmail account) and the password
  • You should access this email address at least once and then use the Settings to set up a forwarding to your preferred email (then every email sent to your account, will be forwarded to your preferred email)
  • You have 3 chances to login into your Hills server account. If you fail these 3 attempts, your account is locked and then you will need to have your password reset
  • You have the following options to reset your password for your Hills server account:
    • In person at the Computer Lab - 3rd floor - Ocean Campus - Batmale Hall
    • Via email -
    • Via ticket -
    • Your Hills username is the first part of your CCSF Email address - for example, if your CCSF Email address is, then your username to access the Hills server will be jsmith01.

NOTE: If you have too many problems accessing Hills, ask your instructor as she/he might have alternatives for you to publish your work (GitHub, other free web hosting, etc.)

  • The CCSF RAM ID is a password that is created, for each student, to access many of the services provided at CCSF, including the Learning Management System (Canvas) used for a lot of the classes at the college
  • It's very important that you know your CCSF RAM ID! For more information about it, you should access the CCSF RAM ID website
Associate Science (A.S.) Degree

Completion of the required General Education courses plus up to 21 units of CNIT courses with a grade of C or better. The 21 units of CNIT courses are made up of 12 units of core courses and 9 elective units. The core courses are: CNIT 103, CNIT 106 (or CNIT 201E), CNIT 131, and CNIT 120. The 9 elective units are specific to your CNIT option that you personally choose.

The CNIT Program page lists all the AS Degree Major and Certificates offered by CNIT.

Industry Certificates
  • Industry Certificates have been developed by technology vendors such as Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, and Novell and by vendor neutral companies such as CompTIA.
  • Any Industry Certificate is earned after successful completion of one or more standardized exams, which can be taken at testing centers around the world. Those certificates were created to help verify an employee's or potential employee's technical knowledge. Passing an Industry Certificate exam clearly states to a recruiter or manager that the person in front of him/her has at least a certain level of knowledge in the product evaluated. With all being equal and individual with an Industry Certificate is more likely to be hired over an individual without one.
  • Furthermore, an individual with an Industry Certificate tends to earn slightly more than an individual without one. At some companies, an individual who passes an Industry Certificate exam automatically earns a pay increase.

You can see a list of the certificates offered by CNIT at the Industry Certification page

CNIT Certificates

You can see a list of the certificates offered by CNIT at the CNIT Program page.

CNIT Department Certificates are earned after the successful completion with a grade of C or better of the required CNIT courses. Industry Certificates are earned after the successful completion of an examination developed or approved by the company issuing the certificate. These exams are given at a special testing center. CNIT courses help prepare students to take the industry certification exams but an Industry Certification is not earned until the successful completion of the exam at the testing center while the CNIT Certificate is obtained after successful completion of the classes required.

Job Outlook
Special Events in CNIT
  • The CNIT Department Graduation Party is offered once a year where students have the opportunity to get together, celebrate achievements with classmates, instructors, and network. It's always offered at the end of the Spring term.
  • Students receive an email with a link to form so they can fill out and present their accomplishments. Later, they receive an official invitation via email to participate in the party where they share their experience in CNIT and have some pizza and drinks.
  • You can take a look at the Events page of the CNIT Department where you will find information about some of the past grad parties we had
  • The CNIT Students' Wall of Fame is a web page maintained by Abigail Bornstein to recognize the CNIT students that have passed any Industry Certificate Exam.
  • If a student has received an Industry Certificate, he/she just needs to e-mail Abigail ( a screen shot of his/her certificate and he/she will be added to the list. The student can also participate at the CNIT Graduation Party (see previous question) to be recognized.
CNIT Alumni/Sponsors/Partners

Please, send an email to
Subject: CNIT Alumni List
Body of the message: My name is ??? and I would like to be added to the CNIT Alumni List

Please, send an email to or you can contact the CNIT Department directly via phone or mail (see the information provided below)