Start Taking Classes at Mission Center!
Welcome to the Mission Campus! Whether you are interested in learning English, improving your job skills, working toward a degree, or learning for the joy of it, this is a great place to study.
Monday - 8:00am - 7:00pm - Jan 14 ONLY
Tuesday - 8:00am - 7:00pm - Jan 15th & 21st ONLY
Wednesday - 8:00am - 7:00pm - Jan 16th & 22nd ONLY
Thursday - 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday - 8:00am - 1:30pm
Saturday - 8:00am - 1:30pm
Sunday - Closed
For more information, contact the Mission Center Admission & Enrollment Office by phone:
415-920-6000 or 415-920-6067 (leave a voice message)
Email us:
Studying as a Noncredit Student
Follow these steps to start taking noncredit classes at the Mission Center.
Studying as a Credit Student
Follow these steps to start taking credit classes at the Mission Center.
Have Questions?
Staff in the Admissions and Enrollment Office are here to help you start your educational journey at CCSF's Mission Campus. You are just a few steps away from a successful beginning. Use our Virtual help desk or contact us at 415-920-6000!
¿Tiene preguntas?
El personal de la Oficina de Admisiones e Inscripción está aquí para ayudarle a comenzar su viaje educativo en el Centro de Misión de CCSF. Usted está a sólo unos pasos de un comienzo exitoso. Utilice nuestro servicio de ayuda virtual o llame al telefono 415-920-6000
How to register for Credit and Non-Credit classes ~ Cómo inscribirse en las clases de Crédito y Sin Crédito
You can also email us ~ También puede enviarnos un correo electrónico
Or leave a message ~ o deje un mensaje - 415-920-6000
For Academic Counseling (Bilingual English/ Spanish) click her and ask for Bilingual counselor
Para la Consejería Académica (Inglés/Español) haga clic abajo y pregunte por un consejero/a bilingue ~ 415-920-6056