Intervention Strategies & Suggested Tips
Classroom Management
Faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to consult with their respective department chairs/supervisors and school/center deans and with the Office of Academic Affairs. Additional information may be obtained from the College Catalog.
The following behavioral contract is suggested when instructors meet with students regarding classroom misconduct. The contract should be used as a record of warning a student that further violations of the Code of Student Conduct will result in a referral to Student Conduct & Discipline.
Behavioral Contract Sample Language:
This letter is a follow-up to our conversation on [date] during which we discussed your classroom behavior on [date(s)]. At our conference, I reviewed the behavior that was disruptive to our classroom learning environment and asked you not to engage in this behavior in the future. Specifically, the inappropriate behavior is [describe student behavior here].
Following our discussion, you agreed that [any resolve noted here]:
Please consider this letter a warning that continuation or repetition of this behavior may result in more serious consequences, as outlined in the enclosed Code of Student Conduct [enclose copy of student constitution]. If you wish to discuss this matter further, you may contact me.
Intervention Tips
- Seek help and guidance
- Consult with peers and colleagues/peer, department chairs, school deans and center deans if you have challenges or concerns
- Engage and participate in professional development
- Consult with Student Conduct & Discipline about potential violations of the Code of Student Conduct and other behavioral issues
Prevention Tips:
- Address warning signs of misconduct
- Use non-verbal and verbal cues. Develop a presence throughout the classroom
- Speak with students who are engaged in disruptive conduct after class and during “downtimes” (in the hallway) or during office hours (when possible)
- Create behavior agreements/contracts with students who are being distracted/disruptive. Don't let distractions become disruptions
- Focus on classroom routines
- Practice classroom routines and expectations early and often
- Model behavior that you expect from your students
- Keep students engaged in productive and constructive activities and assignments
- Develop an effective classroom management plan
- Clearly define and discuss expectations and criteria for success in the course syllabus as well as consequences of misbehavior
- Clearly state procedures for addressing, reporting and resolving student misconduct. Refer to the Code of Student Conduct and other school policies (Title IX/Sexual Harassment, DSPS)
- Don’t let situations build. Address the lowest level issue before they escalate (e.g. unexplained absences)
Syllabus Suggestions
Suggested Language for Syllabi (For more information about syllabus requirements and other course policies, read Making a Great Syllabus and the Faculty Handbook) Be sure to include a listing of important deadlines, including Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines.
Syllabus Statement: Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS)
If you:
- need classroom or testing accommodations because of a disability
- have emergency medical information to share with me
- need special arrangements in case the building needs to be evacuated
Please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. My office hours are [intentionally left blank] Students seeking disability related accommodations are also encouraged to register with Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) located in Room 323 of the Rosenberg Library 415-452-5481.
Syllabus Statement: Student Conduct & Discipline
Students who register for classes are required to observe and follow the Code of Student Conduct (rules for students) at all times. Violations of the Code of Student Conduct are taken very seriously and may be reported to Student Conduct & Discipline. Disciplinary sanctions — including but not limited to oral and/or written warning, will be enforced for student misconduct. If the misconduct continues after a warning, a student engaging in disruptive behavior may be temporarily removed from the class or suspended from the class by the Disciplinary Officer.
The highest level of integrity is required for all quizzes, exams and assignments. Students are expected to complete and submit their own work and to have your own unique answers and responses to questions. In cases of academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating and plagiarism), disciplinary sanctions range from students receiving a failing mark on the exam to being referred to Student Conduct & Discipline for further discipline.
Syllabus Statement: Title IX/EEO Compliance
The San Francisco Community College District is committed to the principles of equal opportunity, and the prevention of discrimination and harassment in any program or activity of the District on the basis of race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, religion, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, domestic partner status, sexual orientation, disability or AIDS/HIV status, medical conditions, or status as Vietnam-era veteran, or on the basis of these perceived characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
If you believe you have been subject to discrimination, please contact the Title IX Compliance Officer.