Current accreditation status
Q: Is CCSF currently accredited?
A: CCSF is currently accredited. CCSF's accreditation is reaffirmed for 7 years as of January 2017.
Q: When is our next self evaluation and midterm report?
A: Our next self evaluation is in 2023 and midterm report is due in October 2020.
Meeting schedules
Q: Where are calendars of accreditation-related meetings?
A: Depends on which meetings you want to attend:
- The calendar of the Accreditation Steering Committee is on the Accreditation Steering Committee web site.
- Check web pages for Participatory Governance and constituent groups such as the Academic Senate, Classified Senate, and Associated Students for meeting agenda items related to accreditation.
How can I participate?
Q: How can I easily participate in accreditation activities without committing to joining a workgroup?
A: We need everyone's help with the following:
- Keep good records of your SLO/SSO/AUO participation, which provides evidence for our self-evaluation. Submit reports on time!
- Read accreditation emails, answer surveys, attend workshops and forums by the college.
- Get involved at the department/unit level in program review and planning efforts.
- Review your department/unit web pages for currency. Help identify and remove out-of-date or incorrect pages.
- Pay attention to your constituent group activities and communications for participation options.
- To gain a better understanding of accreditation, please visit the ACCJC website.